Friday, April 26, 2019

It Depends Upon What the Meaning of the Word 'Proven' Is

Reed, who lost a nephew to city gun violence, said it's time to try something new and that this is a program proven to work. [More]
Information on who the nephew was and what he was doing does not seem readily available in the reports I've seen that repeat this claim. 

And if it's been "proven" then it's not "new." I'm wary of proponents attributing causation for murder fluctuations to a program dependent on trusting the word of gang "leaders" that they'll be good. 

[Via bondmen]


  1. Hector “Big Weasel” Marroquin has been out of the joint for a few years now, and he could use a new $1.5-million government consulting contract.


  2. You would think that with details like this, that it would be easy to find a story describing the murder victim:

    ""I'm standing before you right now with (memories of) a nephew that was shot, killed and burned and put into a dumpster in the city of St. Louis," Reed said, "But my story isn't unlike a lot of stories that people are living with today. To you it may just be a news report, or it may just be a number. To me, it's a real person.""

    Curiously, burned bodies in dumpsters is not an isolated incident there:

    Then there is this:


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