Tuesday, April 02, 2019

The Plan Could Use Some Fine-Tuning

If Legislative Filibuster Dies, then Gun Confiscation and Bans on Private Gun Sales Will Follow [More]
Good point.

But again I must ask: If you're a Californian or a New Yorker or from a "safe" Democrat state, what good will pleading with your senators do?


  1. Whatever happened to the U.S. Constitution being the "law of the land" ? "....shall not be infringed." Yet it has been usurped and compromised time and time again to be meaningless.

    Sadly, the Constitution I took an to defend against enemies foreign AND DOMESTIC, is dead. We are now, and have been for some time, a banana republic.


  2. I'm in San Antonio, Tx. Our city has gone liberal,(to the dogs). Does me no good to complain either to the State or Federal Legislature. Both reps are democ_rats. Now you tell me Uncle Ted is going soft? What's a Patriot to do? Got a feeling that what's happening in NZ is happening here. PVC pipe suppliers are running out of six inch PVC pipe and caps. I have a plan...that is if I ever need to hide grand-dads old Damascus barrel shotgun. Might be a good time to publish a link to that book called "Modern Weapons Caching". Was wondering if you knew of a 'not so crazy radical' center of de-scenting thought where folks can sit around and casually "wargame" different possible scenarios?

  3. Link to buy the book "Modern Weapons Caching"


  4. All true,Dan. But the biggest infringement is the right to life. When killing of babies in, and now freshly out of the womb, can be justified, soon to follow will be the justified killing of anyone the left finds inconvenient. The elderly and those who disagree politically. Islam is coddled by the left because their ideology is the same in many ways.

    Murder is illegal in the country. Illegal immigration is an invasion, and also illegal. Attempting to disarm us is illegal. When will we decide that the law of the land will be enforced?

  5. Unknown@1416,

    I cannot agree with you more. Governor Cuomo,NY just signed into law the killing of new born infants....infanticide.

    I believe we cannot vote our way out of this move toward communism. The politicians and the judiciary are seditious. The nation is headed toward disaster.


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