Thursday, May 02, 2019

A Little Bird Told Me

...the group’s board unanimously re-elected Wayne LaPierre as chief executive on Monday... [More]
So I can take it there's no truth to what I'm being told, that no vote on that was actually taken, but instead, unanimous consent was recorded because there was no other candidate and thus no objection? If so, is it a distinction without a difference?

I don't know how that works but am simply trying to understand what went down to make sure the reports accurately reflect that.

UPDATE: Not directly responsive, but tangentially related...


  1. This from the Free Beacon provides a more extensive "explanation" ... including from Duane Liptak:


  2. It's my understanding the Nominating Committee nominated one person, the board members present did not nominate any opponents from the floor, and the only person eligible for votes got all the votes that were cast, thereby making it unanimous.

    Did I miss anything?

    Does the EVP still pick the Nominating Committee members, as Neal Knox complained about 20 years ago?


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