Monday, May 13, 2019

Bel Air Gun Raid Was A Crime Committed By Police

Paul Heubl notes a presumption of guilt bolsters a predisposition to abuse. [Watch]


  1. Here's my *shocked!!* face....

  2. Yup, a crime, and a crying shame. I hate to sound so repetitious, but this begs for repeating (in answer to all those idiotic responses on TTAG and for the edification of those commenters who MIGHT get a clue):

    CPC 30600(a) is about _transfers_ of .50 BMG rifles, not about mere POSSESSION (not for sale), so if the “tip” came from an idiot who witnessed the transfer, then s/he’s going to have to show up in court for testimony. Aside from that, this is a prime example of why any man or woman should challenge the jurisdiction on the grounds that the code STARTS OFF with the words “Any person who, within this state,”. If there’s a reason for arguing that one is a MAN, and not a statutory “person”, this is a big one. And if anybody ever researched what “within this state” really means – LEGALLY – then they’d realize that the MAN could not possibly be considered to have been “within” the state. The geographic area called California is NOT the same as the LEGAL jurisdiction called the “State of California”. See Jacqui Figg’s discovery and her explanation on YouTube when she was researching the “driver’s licensing” issue. If this guy knew enough about his real legal status, instead of the usual dumbed-down public’s type of ignorance, he could’ve challenged the jurisdiction at his first appearance. As it is he’ll probably be “represented” by a state-approved officer of the court and member of the California Bar who will make sure he’s “processed” without ever being made aware of their unLAWful interference with his Rights to property.

    I will add this: that of anybody who could have afforded to store them OUTSIDE of California's grasp, it seems he would be able to, what with his connections and all. This guy is going to pay the "stupidity" tax, likely lose his FFL or C&R license (if he had one) as well as his stock / collection to the grinder and LAPD's cherry-pickers in the evidence warehouse. Arizona and reasonably safe storage, not to mention constitutionally protected private sales, is only a 6-7 hour drive away.


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