Tuesday, May 14, 2019

Lies, Damned Lies...

...and gun-grabber "studies." [More]

But here's the thing: This crap gets plenty of funding and media coverage.

What does the author bringing us the truth get?

1 comment:

  1. "Bear" saved the "money shot" for last:

    "But real data might not give you the results you want."

    We see this all too often nowadays from our "researchers" who grew up on participation trophies for sports events where they mostly stood around and goodie bags from someone else's birthday party.

    1. Figure out the conclusions you want to reach.

    2. Creatively select the data that supports your conclusion.

    3. Hope that no grownup spots the slight of hand.

    Then stand back and wonder why kids don't get vaccinated for completely preventable diseases and airliners pitch themselves into a fatal stall and kill every soul on board.


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