Thursday, May 16, 2019

You Can Check Out Anytime You Like

But you can never leave. [More]

The problem, of course, is they some of them bring the same nest-fouling proclivities with them.

[Via Henry Bowman]


  1. What a bunch of crap. As a born Californian (the hor-er-er-er) on the East side of the mountains, I've been to almost every state in the union. I've seen and heard it in the states I have been in, on various blogs, and on Gab... "Our state is going crap, and it's those damn California transplants ruining our state!" As if there are just meellions and meellions of Californians spreading out throughout the several states in such vast horrific horde numbers, that they are tipping the voices of the natives and responsible for their states leaning liberal blue. It reminds me of the NatSoc Nazi LARPstapo's incessantly proclaiming 24/7 day in and day out, {{{It's the JEWS}}}! I've been hearing this same old crap since the 1980's as when I lived in Colorado for a couple of years. "It's those damn Californians"! When 99.5% of the people I met and knew, were Coloradans. I get it... California. But Californians are not in such vast numbers to change the tide in other states. Maybe they are using Jewdi Mind Control... I mean Californian Mind Control?

    Elder Son


  3. Yeah? And? Meellions and meellions of California transplants have replaced the peoples of the host states?

    Seems to me like these states have their own homegrown liberal problems. Oh, right... all that red on the Trump Map just means those red states were 100% Repukocraps. Never mind that were not 100% Trump landslides.

    Elder Son

  4. And BTW, not every Californian is a {{{Liberal}}}. You? Me?


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