Saturday, June 29, 2019

Petition Asks White House to Recognize Second Amendment Does Not ‘Give’ a Right

Surprisingly though, a Facebook colleague has alerted us to a source that just doesn’t get it: The White House. Per its explanation of the Constitution: “The Second Amendment gives citizens the right to bear arms.” [More]
"Pro-gun" Donald Trump could correct this egregious and inexcusable error in seconds, today, simply by telling a staffer "Fix it."  Help me make that happen by signing the petition and asking him personally?


  1. Well since Trump is NOT "PRO-GUN" I don't think he will sign anything. Trump is a NEO-CON. Forget that at your peril.---Ray

  2. Right now I'm asking YOU to sign something.

  3. Done!

    576 signatures so far.

    Thanks for the alert, David.

  4. Signed. Even if it doesn't work, it's still worth the effort. Trump, for all his faults, is still many times more likely to fix this than any imaginable progressive.

  5. Yep. That's something straight out of the Jarrett White House, isn't it?
    Signed the petition. Thanks for the heads up.

  6. Some years ago -- I don't know how many -- L Neil Smith, a Sci-Fi writer, penned a short essay entitled "Why Guns?" In about four pages he rips every politician who mouths his/her respect and support for the Second Amendment (nearly all of them) a new anal sphincter and exposes their lies for all to see.

    Anybody who has been mud-wrestling politicians over the gun issue has probably already read this essay but if not -- or if it's been awhile since your last exposure to it, this might be a good time to re-read it. Look it up.

    It might also be a good time to reconsider why you cast your vote for whomever you do. Perhaps a short note to the Republican Nominating Committee explaining why you are changing your vote from "Trump for President" to "Trump for dogcatcher." Consider how your life could change if he builds the wall but uses our guns for rebar in the footings.

    There have been other Republicans that we now quote: Anybody remember "Trust, but verify"?


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