Friday, June 14, 2019

We're the Only Ones Getting Ready for Our Turn in the Barrel Enough

She responded “yes” to a question that asked whether police should be “disarmed.” [More]
Now me, I haven't exactly been sympathetic to "Only One" MRAPs myself. But disingenuous and equivocating protests of mischaracterization notwithstanding, here's the question:

Welcome to the party pals. I hate to say I told you so. Damn near 20 years ago:
"The police need guns - at least until we get rid of the hundreds of millions of guns floating around," Sallie lets slip.
Still, with "Purty Mouth" Saslaw as Yasmine Taeb's primary target, there's something fascinating about watching a fight between a rat and a snake, and it's always a good time watching internecine Democrat warfare as the young Bolsheviks initiate purges against those who are no longer useful.

[Via Mack H]

1 comment:

  1. The real Pay-Per-View is when the Red-Green Axis degenerates into a Civil War.

    Just don't get caught in the middle.


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