Friday, July 12, 2019

‘Fast and Furious’ Report a Reminder of Deliberately Unresolved Accountability

What that ultimately means is the 2020 elections are probably the last best hope any of us have, but only if Republicans take back the House, and then, only if they see a political advantage in exposing criminal cover-ups of years gone by. Barring that, it will be a job for future historians. [More]
Some of us are committed to keeping this story alive in spite of the political and media establishments.


  1. “What that ultimately means is the 2020 elections are probably the last best hope any of us have, but only if Republicans take back the House…”

    Puh-leeze. They sat on their thumbs for the two years that they dominated everything, why would we expect anything different from them next time?

  2. “There is No safety for honest men except by believing all possible evil of evil men”
    Edmond Burke

    Well over 42 TRILLION National debit, Broken Justice and medical monopolies, enjoy it, the bill is due very soon...God help your people


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