Thursday, July 11, 2019

The War on Books

And so the library becomes the anti-library. [More]
Life imitates art:

Hey, with "progressives," every day is Opposite Day. And face it, what's your average public library worker but an Eloi?

[Via Mack H]


  1. Finally!!
    After some time, a reference to the Time Machine.

    Very appropriate.

  2. Not all Eloi; I have been pleasantly surprised to find my local branch stocking a Regnery book by Miriam Grosser, MD (physiology of promiscuity esp. when young; you don't want to know but you need to know) someone's book The CEO Pay Machine (I'm using s/o elses PC) and not only stocking but *featuring* Kurt Schlichter's *Militant Normals*.

  3. It is worthwhile to look up the catalog for your local library -- or the system they are part of -- online, to see what they offer and what they don't.


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