Thursday, July 11, 2019

Those First 13 Words

Maybe we should reinvigorate the concept of a militia in our great nation, if only to annoy liberals. [More]
Maybe we should do it for our survival.

1 comment:

  1. 1) The Americans with Disabilities Act forbids discrimination based on age, disability, or medical issues, etc.
    At 72 and having survived a widow-maker heart attack I am not physically able to do some of the things required, but I can do others. My degree is in Professional Gunsmithing and I have 4 instructor ratings. When you discount us oldies remember the Old Men of Menotomy and Samuel Whittemore.
    2) Basic Firearms Safety should be taught in high school, like Drivers' Ed. as should Basic 1st Aid.
    3) Purchase of a person's 1st Milit Gewehr should be deductible.
    4) The purpose of the Militia is more than "just" resistance to tyranny. We the People should have the ability and willingness to act individually and in concert for the preservation of social order, Constitutional principles, and yes - the Final Alternative in resisting tyranny.
    5) “I ask, sir, what is the militia? It is the whole people except for a few public officials.” — George Mason
    Any American or would-be American who is able and willing to take up arms in defense of Liberty and the Constitution is a member of the Militia. (Yeah, I know. I'm old and feeble, but I can still shoot.)
    6) Freiheit uber Alles!


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