Thursday, September 05, 2019

An Emotional Issue

Watch: Democratic Presidential Candidates Squirm When Asked To Define "Assault Weapon" [More]
I rest my case.

[Via bondmen]


  1. So....

    In the years since the infamous "shoulder thing that goes up" interview, the one that made one of their "experts" on the issue look like a blithering idiot, they haven't taken the time to correct their ignorance on one of the cornerstone issues of their party.

    Makes you wonder how much they know about climate change, student loans, minimum wage, illegal immigration, medicare, ......

  2. Didn't you know? Definitions are racist...

    Okay, aside from the snark. Think about it. These people obviously aren't idiots. (Mostly)
    In my opinion it's far more reasonable to see it as simply a strategy based upon emotional manipulation. A sleight of hand if you will, to distract the people, whom they believe to be idiots, and also to keep our attention focused on ephemeral arguments and make us waste our time on ineffective "virtue signaling" rather than actually effectively fighting their advance.

    They are waging a war and anything goes in the execution thereof.


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