Tuesday, September 10, 2019

Sacrificing the Pawns

Trump Mulls Orwellian Proposal to Stop Mass Shootings by Monitoring 'Mentally Ill People' for Signs of Imminent Violence [More]
Now there's a 4D chess move I never anticipated.

I don't know if I should host a contest for the best alternative definition for the acronym SAFEHOME or the first belligerent moron to ask me if I'd rather have Hillary.

[Via Neil W]

1 comment:

  1. David, I posted this at Herschel Smith's "The Captains Journal".


    Thank you for your diligence a out our rights! You DaMan!

    Hope you are well.

    Re: Trump anything,

    The man is a deal maker. He “wrote the book” on it, and thusly, he gonna make some deals. Seriously, people, thats a what he agonna do.

    I think the concern is why is this deal. 2a? Of all things, why is it about the guns, and now a lifetime of being on mental ‘probation’. And that in itself is the actual issue.

    Those on mental probation won’t have crap. They wont have a house, a car, any privacy, nothing. Food, insurance, job. A life. Prison in open society. And of course, no guns. DUH! Feature! Not bug! The new reality. Google and USG own your data, therefore they own YOU. The mark will be the last cookie you downloaded, and the Agent looking after you can see in real time all your ………………

    The Stasi perfected it. They did not have any computers and internet. Think about that. HARD! That will be on the test!

    So the deal is statism. It becomes a society where the agent will always be with you. The smart thing would be to join the party now and spare the pain. Become thy enemy.

    Internet occupiers! This message is for you!

    POTUSDJT campaigned on the gun thing. Also the immigrant thing, the China thing, all hose things.

    USSEN Warren campaigns on the same thing. Immigrant China, all those.

    Pattern. Repeating. Hello you guys! Hey!

    If the news comes out tomorrow the Operation Fast and Furious was still active, would it surprise anyone? Its not. But can change at anytime.

    Communism is here folks. They have no interest in sugar coating it. Do it and get er done!

    Mental health, commies best excuse since 1917.

    We are screwed. Tom762

    I fisked myself and thats cool. Commenting on a mobile device is a pain and all that.

    But the googlecoms love it. They can score you easier.



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