Friday, September 06, 2019

So Can We Assume Plenty of Penis Comparison Experience?

Geraldo Rivera says that AR-15 owners have ‘small penises’ [More]
Now there's an original thought.

That must not be what he surreptitiously carried on foreign assignment, but what about his "two guards with five guns between them"...?

Still, in fairness, if we can't trust a man whose own five wives couldn't trust him, not to mention the interns, who can we trust?

And it's nice to see ol' horse-fa ... I mean ... Sarah Silverman taking time between red flag-worthy therapy and wetting the bed to agree with him.

All I can figure is, if overprivileged narcissistic degenerates and lunatics are against us we must be doing something right.


  1. I wonder what he did with Al Capone's Coke bottle.

  2. As a matter of fact, some AR15 owners (women) have no penis at all!

    But all seriousness aside, my wife (my only wife) assures me that despite both of us owning our own AR15 pattern rifles, she has no concerns about the size of my penis and might even enjoy it less if it were any bigger. I'm more than happy to defer to her expert judgement on the subject. Geraldo can go pound sand.

    But let's flip the tables and look at the subject logically, but from another direction. Women don't obsess about the size of their penises for obvious reasons. Instead they obsess about the size of their breasts. When one of them is moved enough to do something about her perceived lack of size and has her breasts augmented, they don't go up one size from their A or B cup. Instead most go all the way to a D or bigger.

    So if a guy was going to compensate for feeling that his penis was too small, would he be more likely to go for an AR15, or all the way to a Barrett M82?



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