Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Another Founder Turning in His Grave

 Kellogg’s is launching an LGBT-themed cereal so you can start your day with maximum gay…" [More]
Remember one of John Harvey Kellogg's primary motivators...?

[Via Wirecutter]


  1. Michael Gilson10/22/2019 9:12 AM

    I think you used the wrong link. That aside, I've read about "All Together", and it seems like it is a push by the marketing department. Apparently if you open up the box, inside it is a variety pack of the single serving cereal boxes that you can mix and match, and variety packs of the single serving boxes have been around longer than I've been alive. So they are rebranding an old product to push their ideology on us.

  2. Yeah, fixed, thanks, and yeah, despite what the box shows, they are individual mini-packs. As a kid, I used to mix cereals all the time. And thanks to Kellogg's Rice Crispies, I got firsthand experience with Acton's Law at an early age.


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