Tuesday, October 29, 2019

Believe It or Not


I didn't like the word "permitted," but wanted to get on the board.

Some questions I did not answer. For instance, "Which of the following do you think would be most effective in ending the epidemic of gun violence in America?" presupposes there is an "epidemic" and that any of the choices they offer are the right ones.

I recommend doing it, seeing if the results can end up being not what they expected, and then seeing if they'll release them. Yeah, I know all the excuses for not, but just assign followup emails to the junk file and block them if you like-- on the other hand, you could treat them like advance intel on what the enemy is up to.

[Via Renee N]


  1. Pseudo "polls" like this created by commie left orgs. are pointless. Any results that don't support their agenda are either deleted or "edited" to support the propagandist outcome the "poll" was created to achieve.

  2. The problem with these questions, of course, is that they start with a false premise as you mention. This is a common tactic. The "gun violence" narrative also wants us to completely disregard what leads to violence in the first place. Just like the "Black Lives Matter" (for example) narrative starts with the false premise that young black Americans are being gunned down by police or the "Eat The Rich" false premise that there is a finite sum of $$ that people with means are hoarding at the expense of the poor.

  3. Pretty sure they will delete all my answers. Oh well.

  4. Here is the comment I left at the end of the survey:

    'Definition of epidemic - from "the Dictionary of Epidemiology": The occurrence in a community or region of cases of an illness, specific health-related behavior, or other health-related events clearly in excess of normal expectancy. The community or region and time period in which the cases occur are specified precisely." Since the national homicide rate has been declining since 1993, there is NO national "epidemic" of gun violence from a scientific standpoint. Your basic terminology is incorrect.'

    Anyway, I'm sure they will disregard both my answers and my comment - but it will remind them not everyone is on board. Note the question on NRA membership. I answered it honestly, though that alone may kick my response out. Just as in the USSR, there it little room for departures from the party line among the "tolerant" left.


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