Thursday, October 24, 2019

Denying the Obvious

"It’s not necessarily that Sen. McSally is doing poorly. It is that Mark Kelly is doing spectacularly,” said Paul Bentz, a Republican strategist in Arizona. [More]
No, it's that she's doing poorly. So much for any fire in my belly. Astroturf and useful idiots make up for the rest.

Fairfax, of course, is deliberately indifferent to the single greatest threat.

I wanted to see what GOA had to say about her, but they still show McCain in the Senate seat and McSally being mediocre in the House.


  1. Yep, denial is strong in that one. The whole Republican party in the state is a mess. McSally needs serious help from the RNC in both money and campaign assistance.

    Sadly, given Tucson and the new "transplants" into Phoenix, Kelly has a better than usual chance of winning.

    The RNC and the state party need to get their collective heads out of their backsides and work on this before it is too late.

  2. Didn't the McCain machine effectively throw the election for the other Senate seat by nominating McSally, then rewarding her loss with appointment to McCain's seat after he inevitably died? Not having won an election statewide, there's no surprise she's doing poorly.

    Unfortunately the GOA continues to be a joke when it comes to getting anything done, you've mentioned before their urging us to waste time messaging die hard anti-gun members of the Congress. Are there any groups out there that are not jokes and/or scams? The Firearms Policy Coalition looks kind of interesting, although they're based in California.

  3. McSally couldn’t even light enough of a fire in her constituents’ bellies to prevent the loss of a historically Republican Senate seat to Kyrsten “Prada Socialist” Sinema. She’s in the Senate now only because Governor Squish Ducey gave her McCain’s leftover seat as a participation trophy. Her biggest crusade has been “fighting sexual harassment in today’s American military,” which in an era of White House coups, Antifa riots, conservative censorship, and the destruction of both free speech and due process, is about as big a yawn as I can imagine. She’s done next to nothing for any actual conservative cause inside or outside the state. She’s the candidate because the McCain Machine willed it so. The GOP is moribund in Arizona, its most important achievement having been to re-rig the petition requirements to prevent the Libertarian Party from eating their lunch.

  4. If you have trouble sleeping, try reading this instead of counting sheep:

    Dear Henry,

    As your U.S. Senator, one of my top priorities is making sure that Arizonans have more opportunities: more opportunities for employment, more opportunities for success, more opportunities at every level for everyday Arizonans.

    That is why I make it a priority to get back to Arizona as soon as I can on the weekends. I want to be around people like you, so I can hear the problems that Arizonans face in their daily lives. All of the stories I hear about the hard work, overcoming obstacles, serving each other, and achieving amazing things around our state inspires me. Washington, D.C. can learn a lot from the people of Arizona!

    When I am home, I travel the state to get a feel for the pulse of Arizonans. Universally, I hear about the need to pass the USMCA trade agreement so that business can grow and trade with Mexico and Canada, securing our borders, and bringing down the out of pocket costs of health care. I also hear what they want our priorities to be in the Senate. I am a pragmatic problem solver and I will continue to work with my colleagues in the U.S. Senate to tackle the priorities Arizonans want the Senate to address…

    Martha McSally



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