Tuesday, October 08, 2019

'I Will Not Comply'

Huh. We weren't given that option on "bump stocks"... [More]

[Via Mack H]


  1. No.

    Perhaps now, he can better understand those Americans who have their own reasons for noncompliance.

    It's tyranny, Trump.

  2. As with the "Assault Weapon" bans in 4 states, it is difficult if not impossible to come up with hard numbers on 1) how many of the banned devices were in the public's hands before the ban went into effect, and 2) how many of tho have been turned into authorities, destroyed, or in the case of "assault weapons", moved out of the state.

    For those two reasons, coming up with a credible estimate for the rate of compliance or in this case noncompliance is akin to a black art. Yet I feel confidant that if the numbers were favorable to the banners, the media would be braying them from the housetops 24/7.


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