Tuesday, October 08, 2019

Now with Three Times the Bullsh!+!

UC Davis releases three studies on gun violence prevention [More]
A whole spate!

Brought to you by "The Hero of Medicine"!

In this bit of taxpayer-funded subversion we find "intimate partner violence" includes the subjective determination that what may be a long-overdue verbal rejoinder combined with the "liquor cabinet loophole" are potential areas to focus rights-erosion efforts on.

We also see a renewed push for totally unqualified gunquacks trading on  perceived gravitas to offer prescriptions outside their areas of expertise, and definitively prove that if you feed a lie to enough ignoramuses for long enough with no sources of alternative information, most of them will swallow it.

Not that the bubble-headed bleach blonde, practiced at looking solemn and authoritative and all "You can have it all, girl!", hasn't bought into it herself...

[Via Roger J]

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