Friday, October 25, 2019

Oh, His First Name is 'Daniel'

I'd assumed it was "Mike." [More]

Need you ask?

What a little bitch.


  1. When I learned I lived in a state where the President of the Senate was the brother of the head of the murderous Irish Mob, I knew it was time to move somewhere where I could be armed.

  2. Reason updated its article:

    “Update: Hunt clarified late Tuesday that the bill in question was filed on behalf of a constituent exercising her right to directly petition the legislature. Massachusetts’ constitution allows citizens to author and introduce bills directly into the state legislature. A legislator is still required to sign and file a citizen’s bill. Most legislators file citizen bills even when they do not necessarily support the underlying legislation.”

    I don’t buy it. Hunt is snowing Reason, and to those who know the procedural dogwhistles, it’s obvious. Here’s the proof:

    When a Massachusetts legislator is forced by this constitutional codicil to file a bill he doesn’t agree with, he uses a code phrase: “filed by request.” It tells his colleagues that the bill isn’t his idea. Here are examples of bills filed with this language:

    Note that the publisher also adds the disclaimer, “presenting member is not a sponsor of this legislation,” in case you aren’t savvy to the code.

    Now, here’s the same subject page for Hunt’s bill:

    Do you see “by request?” Do you see “not a sponsor of this legislation?” No, you don’t.

    Hunt has been embarrassed, and is trying to weasel his way out of it. We should not let him.

  3. If that's the case I'd think the name of the constituent should be public record. Also if that's the case, gun owners could flood these SOBs with bills so that they have little time for anything else-- maybe that's something to look into.


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