Thursday, November 14, 2019

Nothing Succeeds Like Success

The objective of using the word "Islamophobia" appears to have been to make Islam untouchable by placing any criticism of it as equivalent to racism or anti-Semitism. [More]
Hey, when you find something that works...

[Via Michael G]


  1. But does 'Hoplophobia' work?

  2. pho·bi·a

    noun: phobia; plural noun: phobias

    an extreme or irrational fear of or aversion to something.
    "he had a phobia about being under water"

    So arachnophobia is fear of spiders. I hate spiders. Spiders will mess you up. Ask anyone unfortunate enough to have upset a Brown Recluse. But I don't fear them.

    Neither do I fear Islam. But I believe in my heart of hearts that anyone who would lock a captured fighter pilot in a steel cage, douse him in gasoline, and set him ablaze, deserves a very short trip to that place where they supposedly hand out virgins to the faithful.


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