Wednesday, November 13, 2019

So Much for Equal Protection Under the Law

Gun Rights Restoration: A Federal & State Review - $195.00 [More]
If you can't even afford the class, how the hell are you supposed to be able to afford a lawyer?

[Via Felix B]


  1. This is a class FOR lawyers.

  2. Yeah, no kidding. That's who it's targeted at, but anyone can take it, like journalists interested in acquiring specialized legal knowledge, or members of a "gun rights" group with an interest in restoration law, or simply a "disqualified" gun owner who wants to examine the obstacles and plan his campaign around them. My point is if it takes @200 bucks just to get an overview of the "law," how much more unlikely is it that a person of limited means would even try? It's being taught, incidentally, by John Pierce, and no criticism of him is implied -- my criticism is of a complex "legal" system that is impossible for the average citizen to fathom and navigate, and how easy it is for the state to be able to f*** 'emout of their birthrights.


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