Wednesday, November 13, 2019

The Best Laid Schemes o' Mice an' Men

Sal Salman: “We can defiantly include millimeter wave technology to detect concealed weapons. We are only scratching the surface with artificial intelligence. There is a long away to go.” [More]
Actually, he said "definitely," but look who we're dealing with.

But that's the real danger, and not just from a Fourth Amendment standpoint (and I would think linings could obscure things anyway). How about before everybody kneejerk follows Big Tech to wherever it and the politicians it feeds lead us, we do clinical, peer-reviewed trials that can address documented concerns and reliably account for decades of exposure across the spectrum of human (and other biological) development?

And in the meantime:

So go ahead, make this guy a billionaire and vote in another school levy to bring in a tech solution that won't actually stop anything-- for that you need to go Old School, which means determined defenders with eyes and guns.

1 comment:

  1. Back in the day WSVN was the local NBC affiliate and "if it bleeds it leads" station where Michelle Gillen of exploding pickup trucks fame and Rick Sanchez, now of the Russia Today network, got their start. These days times are not so good for Gillen, Sanchez, NBC, or WSVN. In the wake of the rigged exploding pickup scandal, Gillen lost her job at NBC, NBC is no longer America's premier network, WSVN lost its network affiliation, and Sanchez, a Cuban American, is working for the Russians.

    If WSVN told me it was daylight outside I'd have to go and look for myself.


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