Friday, December 13, 2019

He Didn't Say 'No'

It's not going to be like Patricia Konie this time, Timmah...

[Via Mack H]


  1. "He Didn't Say 'No'"

    You noticed that!

    As one of our VCDL members noted:

    "Non-answer answer..... Sounds like they’re ready to roll if he asks."

    1. Apparently your VDCL is bama-era...that's the only person who tells EVERYONE the plan.

  2. I wonder if Donald J. Trump is ready to federalize the Virginia National Guard (as JFK did with the Alabama National Guard) and countermand the Governor's orders, or should I say 'Trump' them? Time will tell. The ultimate commander of military forces in the USA is POTUS, not a Governor.

  3. Command level officers are politicians first and foremost. They will ALWAYS play the game...the law and the Constitution is as irrelevant to them as it is to almost all elected politicians. Get down to the rank and file and who will or won't "just follow orders" becomes far less predictable.

  4. The governor owns the NG until they are federalized, so he’s their boss. There’s no upside to telling your boss “If you order me to do X, I will refuse” before he actually orders you to do X. It gives him a chance to fire you ahead of time and hire somebody who will do X, without the public ever noticing. At the very least, you want that Cox Sacker moment.

  5. Mike Brewster12/16/2019 9:09 AM

    I am a retired Guardsman and I would not obey an order to act contrary to the 2A. I will in fact stand in opposition to those that would accept those orders.

    1. Thank you for your continued dedication. However, many in our services corp do not have the same level. We used to see this molestation on local level services generally, but this day & age has extended blatent treasonous acts to the highest places of our country!

      Have hope, pray & hold faith; never relax.


  6. Posse Comitatus Act.

  7. I notice, the Nat'l Guard did not say anything about the constitutionality of said orders. Being unconstitutional, these orders would be illegal & illegitimate. As such, I would hope that Trump would put this down 1uickly as a treasonous/seditious act. Northam has just made an official declaration of war against his people. THAT is treason.

  8. My guess is this will go down like the BLM land grab in NV.

    Civies will be pointing their superior firepower at the "LAW" and the law-cowards, when outnumbered and out-gunned, will crawl back to their hole just like they do during the riots.

    Just watch the video of the cop shootout on the freeway where the big tough dog killers used civies as human shields like the coward muslim terrorists.

    The tree of liberty........

  9. Late arrival to the party.
    Waco, ruby ridge, et AL, did not have video phones, video cameras or DRONES!
    Before, the media controlled the message. Nowadays, any gun owner has a conduit to the WWW. The main focus should be to exercise restraint until the last moment.


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