Thursday, December 19, 2019

None Dare Call It Treason

Governor Newsom doubling down to dismantle the California economy [More]

At some point, you've gotta consider it's intentional and being done on behalf of certain interests who prefer to not be noticed -- yet.

[Via Michael G]

1 comment:

  1. During the 1970's fuel shortages provoked by the OPEC oil embargo and aggravated by Jimmy Carter's Department of Energy, residents of Louisiana, one of the states with an energy surplus were astounded to have shortages as well. When they were told that their energy resources were being diverted to New England, bumper stickers reading "Let the bastards freeze in the dark!"

    I can see that slogan coming back when the "supplier" states run short and find their electricity is going to the Peoples Republic of California because the Commissars were too "woke" to make their own energy.


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