Wednesday, December 11, 2019

Speaking of Moot

The Supreme Court majority should resist the temptation to expand the Second Amendment [More]
First of all, they're not expanding it.

And if Weiner-guy's point is bolstered on Bork being the benchmark for originalists, well, that's all I need to hear.


  1. "The Supreme Court majority should resist the temptation to expand the Second Amendment."

    If the Left would be honest about things, and admit that they've been doing everything they could to constrict the right guaranteed (not granted) by the Second Amendment since ar least the 1960's I would be willing to agree that SCOTUS might be considering expanding it bact to what the founders intended.

    Absent that, I'd insist that the term used be "restore" rather than "expand".

    Either way, I have a gut feeling that Weiner can relax, because Roberts is probably going to side with the Liberal wing and declare the case moot.

  2. Yep!

    Nuclear weapons, stealth bombers, and heavy artillery. A ground pounder wouldn't stand a snowball's chance in hell against that stuff.

    That right there is why we stomped the snot out of the VC, the NVA, and the Taliban.

    In fact, we stomped the snot out of then over and over again for more than a decade. We destroyed some NVA regular army divisions so many times our brass started adding letter suffixes to their division numbers.

    Found Saigon on a map lately?

    So we're gonna declare victory in Afganistan and bug out?

    Why does that sound familiar?

  3. The late Robert Bork would have been an awful Justice. I'm happy he was blocked.


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