Tuesday, February 05, 2019

Democrat Discriminates Against Low-Income Gun Owners

What, to do it safely, meaning practice, practice, practice?  Or should I just say BFYTW?

You ain't even begun to experience "pushback." Keep pushing.

Wearing a Different Hat

I'm trying to decide if he looks better in this or in the hood... [More]

[Via Mack H]

Forgetting the Alamo

Time was they'd have been met with a defiant "Come and take it" instead of being elected to office.

Sanctuary State Disarmamentfest 2019

Representatives DeSaulnier and Thompson to Host Town Hall on Gun Violence ... This event is open to the public, press, and photographers. [More]
Because we're intent on making the entire Republic one great, big California. And it helps for crowd optics to hold it in a location that voted for Hillary by 2/3.

It'd be instructive to see the reaction to a MAGA or NRA hat.

If you go, make a point of getting pictures of the armed "Only Ones" and to record any objections.

[Via Dave Licht]

We ALL Have 'Safety Concerns'

Virginia Del. Kathy Tran, 2 other lawmakers postpone town hall over safety concerns [More]
So she made the rational choice of relying on armed protection.  What's irrational and intolerable is that she would deny that choice to you.

[Via Mack H]

The Ravages of Kristol Meth

That means he aided and abetted Northam's agenda on guns.

Now all that's left is for him to put on his pink pussy hat and join the Mommy's in backtracking.

[Via Mack H]

Handy with a Gun

“I’m a gun owner. I have a concealed carry permit,“ said Rep. Steve Handy, R-Davis County. “But why can’t we have the conversation?" [More]
We've been having that conversation, you Quisling dope. Repeatedly.

You've been pandering to the incremental gun-grabbers instead of listening.  Repeatedly.

As long as "Republicans" are rewarded for betrayals, they will have no incentive to remain faithful.

[Via several of you]

We will Control the Horizontal. We will Control the Vertical.

Facebook CENSORS Story of Anti-Semitic Swedish Journalist Arrested with Massive Bomb [More]
What you don't know about can't hurt you, right?

[Via Michael G]

Teach Them Early

Parent Lizbeth Perez likes knowing her daughter can be tracked. ”I like everything they’re doing,” she said. Her 15-year-old daughter Kimberly Ibarra said she feels safer this year and doesn’t mind wearing the ID, which is a bit thicker than standard ones. “There’s a lot more officers in the hallways,” she said. [More]
So... what are the schools teaching about American history and independence...?

[Via bondmen]

We're the Only Ones Unreasonable Enough

Yesterday, the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals in California ruled that police do not need a reason to place a person on the Suspicious Person List. [More]
Life imitates art.

[Via bondmen]

Meanwhile, Across the Pond in Piers Morgan Paradise...

Police stop people for covering their faces from facial recognition camera then fine man £90 after he protested [More]
Hey, if you're not doing anything wrong...

Or if you're not an Only One...

[Via bondmen]