Wednesday, March 06, 2019

Pearls Before Swine

The implication was clear, they said: These politicians thought gun-control activists were “clutching their pearls” in overwrought and self-righteous outrage — and, specifically, female outrage. [More]
Yeah, well, maybe if the MILMs weren't clutching their pearls in overwrought and self-righteous outrage they wouldn't come off as such hysterical paranoids. Because it wasn't about them at all:

Don't expect the media to clear things up.

But as long as Shannon's got their attention perhaps someone would like to ask her what she knew and when she knew it...

Why Grandma, What Big Eyes You Have!

If convicted, he could serve up to 25 years. [More]
He can't be trusted with fingers, for Christ's sake. Who can credibly argue that anyone this dangerous, evil and deranged can ever be allowed unfettered access to the rest of us?

Commonsense History Safety Laws

I also thought that the President was right to ask where the erasure of history would end. [More]
So... when are we gonna dig up those war criminals at Arlington?

[Via Mack H]

Close the Content of Character Loophole!

During a guest lecture at Boston University on Monday, University of Washington Professor Robin DiAngelo told the audience a “dangerous white person” sees people as individuals rather than by skin color. [More]
We obviously need White Flag Laws to report and disarm such menaces!

[Via Mack H]

We're the Only Ones Baltimoronic Enough

Baltimore officers planted gun on man after deliberately running him over, indictment says [More]
Nice to see the meme making the rounds over in "Comments":

[Via Roger J]

The Gods Must Be Crazy

East African community reeling from weekend violence, demands solutions - Several Somali gangs are locked in a bitter dispute. 
So what are we supposed to do about what happens over there?


One or the Other

Ilhan Omar Has Company Pushing Dual Loyalty Narrative [More]
Not that I give Omar a pass on loyalty, but in fairness, dual citizenship is a conflict of interest that contradicts the oath for new citizens, and it ought not be allowed.

I said it about Arnold and I'll say it about anyone.

Taco Hell

And the Democrats want to raise the federal minimum wage to $15/hour... [More]

A Presumption of Guilt

"We would like to express our deepest sympathies to Officer Heidelberg's family and the Midland Police Department for the events that lead to his death. We are cooperating with investigators to attempt to learn all the material facts as soon as possible. David Wilson believed that his family was experiencing a home invasion and only fired his weapon to protect his family." [More]
Curious, how rarely immediate arrests happen when the situation is reversed...

[Via Wynn A

Selective 'Reporting'

One frustrated parent asked KCTV5 to confirm Dylan Ruffin’s grandfather was in fact Phil Ruffin who recently made headlines for reportedly identifying himself as the anonymous Kansas businessman mentioned during questioning of President Trump’s former attorney Michael Cohen. [More]
So CBS affiliate KCTV News 5 and "Authorized Journalists" Emily Rittman and  Maggie Holmes were able to do that but can't give us any details about the "frustrated parent" and if there may be a documentable agenda behind sending them off to do his bidding?

[Via Steve T

Like a Schlapp in the Face

Faith Goldy: Make MAGA Ours Again—Americans Voted For Trump, Not Matt And Mercedes Schlapp! [More]
Not that you could tell from the President's speech where he lauds bringing in more foreign workers...

[Via Mack H]

In the Strictest Sense

A law subjected to strict scrutiny must pass three tests. All of them. [More]
And then there's a fourth test, that begins with "No. Your move."

Were that not so, no rights would be recognized.

Whereas We are Aspiring Totalitarians

The Statists of Hawaii say 2A is not an individual right.

But no one wants to take your guns.

[Via Bear who has lots more to say]

Who She Is

Asked about her flip-flopping reputation, a likely 2020 presidential candidate Gillibrand replied: “It’s certainly not my record, not who I am. [More]
This...thing is such a chronic and habitual LIAR she's psychopath-scary.

Since I haven't been able to get anywhere with this, maybe the opposition research team of one of her opportunistic rivals will be more successful at getting (or getting her to release) her NRA questionnaire.

[Via Mack H]

You'll Forgive Him, He Doesn't Understand How Things Work

“The most important thing the superintendent does, or is supposed to do, is to protect students and our teachers and educate our students and he has failed on all of those counts,” Schachter said. [More]
The quicker this guy learns that in "public service" it's optics, not performance, the sooner he'll stop beating his head against the wall.

[Via Michael G]

What's in a Name?

my children (D'Abre, D'Myalah, n D'Maurion), aunt (Lana), cousins (Dre, Tugga, Juicy, n Kookie [More]
I'm sorry -- Honest, I was looking for something else.

It's interesting though -- any suggestion that choices may impact outcomes, including those of upward economic and social mobility, is met with angry accusations of intolerance, and the outraged assertion that the only thing holding some back is evil bigotry.

It's society that has to change its standards.

We're the Only Ones Broke Enough

“Law enforcement as we have known for the last four years will not exist,” he posted on Facebook last month. “WE ARE BROKE… LOCK YOUR DOORS, LOAD YOUR GUNS AND GET YOU A BARKING, BITING DOG. If the Sheriff’s office can’t protect you, WHO WILL?” [More]
If there were only some sort of alternative available for the security of a free State...

It MUST Be Evil Rightwingers

"I think it is just a shameful act for whoever did this to show their ignorance and come over and do something like this to a church like this that serves so many different people," said Anthony Burtch, a greeter and church member at the Church of the Nazarene. "It's just a cowardly act by someone who's ignorant." [More]
On "cowardly" we can agree. But perhaps they know exactly what they were doing.

So "whoever" was the right way to put it.

[Via Michael G]

Obvious to Everyone But Wayne and Chris

That is one reason Democrats want more and more immigrants—more or less from anywhere (except Western Europe). Almost every immigrant is another vote for the Democratic Party. [More]
Good thing this has nothing to do with that "single issue."

[Via Michael G]

And Deliver Us from White Patriarchal Social Constructs

This crime didn’t happen because we had too many guns, or too few gun laws, or inadequate mental-health care procedures – or because officials didn’t “lock down” the 2600-acre Tech campus after the first shootings. It happened because an angry young man was consumed by evil. [More]
There are those who tell us evil is a concept of suppression exploited to maintain social injustice. They're typically communists.

[Via Mack H]

Of How We Calmed the Tides of War

Swedish PM: ISIS Fighters Can Return, Refuses to Strip Citizenship [More]
It won't be his head that gets sawed off, at least not immediately.

More's pity.

[Via Michael G]

The Plan

This is the Democrat plan for the entire nation and is why they desperately want to keep the borders open to more Democrat voters. If successful, they will turn the entire nation into one giant shithole.  [More]

But...but...but single issue...