Monday, March 11, 2019

Self-Inflicted Wounds

"It hurts, it hurts," she says.  [More]
No kidding, you dope.

Hence the barriers.

Watch her sue.

With All Due Respect

An unidentified woman was reportedly ejected from a Connecticut gun hearing Monday after she was spotted sending a text threatening to shoot a lawmaker and NRA members. [More]
Identify her. I want to see her Facebook page before she pulls it down to run away.

And sorry, parents of the teenager who "accidentally" shot himself -- Candidly, the failure is yours for raising him in total ignorance.  How the hell do you shoot yourself in the head with a .357 Magnum unless you intend to?

Tales of the Unexpected

Are these America's least likely gun owners? [More]
More importantly, does the way they vote undermine their right?

I note the "leader" from the "Liberal Gun Club" thinks the government gives us rights so I wouldn't look to her for any wisdom.

And the reporterette is an idiot with her "You haven't been in those situations so why do you own a gun?" ignorance.

I've never been in a house fire. Guess I can chuck the extinguisher.

[Via Jess]

Just Us Democrats

The production company behind the AOC phenomenon is just getting started. [Watch]

[Via Andrew S]

But Santuaries for Future Democrats are Fine

Illinois State Rep. Terra Costa Howard (D) is pushing legislation to make it illegal for counties to declare “Second Amendment Sanctuary” status. [More]
So I guess she'll be a no-go on Mutual Defense Pact counties and Confiscation-Free Zones?

It seems if she gets this passed and it's upheld, the precedent could be used against "sanctuary cities" for illegals. Except the same rules never apply for "progressives," do they?

Just Do It

Five years after mass shooting, UCSB student body calls for disarming of campus police [More]
By all means!

Finally, a "progressive" idea I can wholeheartedly support.

[Via Michael G]

Not Helping

And quit talking about the need for legal immigrants. That doesn't help either. [More]
With those who know the score, it hurts.

How to Make Retard Noises Like a Pro

Instructional video included. [More]

A viable society will need to up its game.

[Via Jess]

Hoist on Their Own Petard

It doesn't strain the imagination to surmise that the prospect of splitting up Google Search and its ad businesses wasn't well received in Mountain View. And Amazon's executives probably aren't too welcoming of a proposal to bar the company from selling directly on its own marketplace. [More]
A government big enough to "regulate" your enemies is big enough to "regulate" you.

I would not look for a sudden change of heart and newfound "conservatism," though. After being publicly sodomized by DOJ, Bill Gates went all Stockholm Syndromed for Big Government on us, and I expect Bezos 'n Zuck et al. to embrace the haze.

[Via Henry Bowman]

Ultimately, What's the 'Lesser Evil' Here?

“In what should have been a reminder to the president’s counselors that in politics as in life it is important to never forget who your friends are,” Dobbs said. [More]
Word. You'd think a guy supposedly smart enough to win at 3D chess would know that, especially when beset by enemies on all sides.

With the new tack by the Democrats to show an overt Marxist bent, it's like the Establishment is testing how far they can scare the "Republican" electorate into accepting betrayals.

'Doing Something'

Gov. Michelle Lujan Grisham signed legislation Friday requiring background checks for virtually all firearm sales in New Mexico. The bill has been a priority for gun control advocates, who argue the measure merely closes a loophole in state law and will help keep weapons out of the hands of people barred from owning firearms. [More]
Of course it won't.

Only a liar would say it will. Only a moron would believe it.

We're the Only Ones Working Out Enough

An officer with the Denver Police Department charged with assaulting a handcuffed man is now working a desk job at the department. Corporal Michael Oestmann worked out a plea deal on assault charges earlier this week. [More]
So he did it while moonlighting in uniform, meaning under color of authority? And he's not been fired, arrested and facing charges because? That's some "robust internal investigation," there, DPD.

What do you think the chances are of us getting this same "deal" as this thug?

[Via cydl]


It appears I asked for too much. [More]

What kind of gun owner would still vote for him?

Your Papers, Please

Flying to Paris or Berlin? U.S. Citizens Will Soon Need EU Permits [More]
I thought border controls were racist...?

But hey, you're just from the country responsible for them existing in this form today. It's not like you're an Islamist refugee or anything.

A River to Her People

TLAIB: 'WE ALWAYS SAID 'THE MUSLIMS ARE COMING!'' Michigan congresswoman happily ponders her enemies floating by … dead [More]
And guess who her enemies are.

You Can Check Out Any Time You Want

Welcome to the Hotel New York. They'll let you leave, but there's a price. [More]

For "progressives" it's a win-win.

Who Needs a Pathway When We've Got All These Tunnels?

At a news conference Tuesday, she promoted a proposed voting-rights bill that would prohibit state officials from checking whether voters legally have the right to vote. [More]
That's the plan.

When they get all indignant about "disenfranchising," they don't mean you.

Besides, Nazis have no right to vote.

Kapitän Amerika

'This Guy Is A Nazi': Chris Evans' Fans Attack Him For Meeting With Rep. Dan Crenshaw [More]
So much for reaching across the aisle. As usual, it's projection by bitter leftist hags.

My more immediate concern is WTF qualifies this lottery-winning carhop to advise edict-makers on "the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO), education, bipartisanship and criminal justice reform"?

Food Fight!

A massive caught-on-video brawl over crab legs erupted inside of a Chinese buffet in Queens last month after one diner accused another of being a “privileged white bitch,” according to patrons and a victim involved. [More]
I knew us racists were to blame for this hate crime.

How Much More 'Winning' Can We Take?

I am winning on the Border. Major sections of Wall are being built... [More]
You can't tell from the 11-year high.

And it's not just "illegals, although it's clear by now whose side you've taken.

None of them will acknowledge the challenge, let alone attempt to answer it.

Ask Jared to.

The Five

Top Five Prepper Guns to Have! [Watch]
Now consider the character and motives of those who want to have them taken from you.

Circling the Wagons

The AzCDL Newsletter for February 2019 is available for viewing and downloading at our website. [More]
Click for a summary of monitored bills, "steadfast ally" Douchey's plot to confiscate guns, and how you can help.

Spreading 'Democracy'

According to a recent survey, 53 percent of all Californians, 63 percent of millennials, and 76 percent of residents in the Bay Area say they are seriously considering leaving the state. [More]
What percent have learned a damn thing?

Because, Lord Knows, the Problem HAS to Be with Everybody Else

'Transgender Woman' Arrested by NYPD for Hate Crimes Following Mace Attack Spree [More]
If only the privileged intolerance of haters like me hadn't restricted the options of the persecuted to where this cry for justice against a racist patriarchy became necessary.

[Via Michael G]

Welcome to AOC Paradise

Furious Venezuelans lined up to buy water and fuel on Sunday as the country endured a fourth day of a nationwide blackout that has left already-scarce food rotting in shops, homes suffering for lack of water and cell phones without reception. [More]
Well, yeah, but if we try it here we'll do it right this time.

[Via Jess]

Escaping the Roach Motel

And socialism is the thing you can vote yourself into — but you have to shoot your way out of.  [More]
Effective asking requires a credible "or else."

[Via Michael G]

Meanwhile, Across the Pond in Piers Morgan Paradise

London mayor appears exasperated on knife crime questions, rolls eyes at reporter [More]
Truly, it's just not his concern.

[Via bondmen]

'Now I am the Master'

The ACLU had filed the lawsuit in federal court last year alleging that the school district violated students’ freedom of speech when school officials abruptly stopped student-led rallies for April’s National Student Walkout Day. [More]
I'm just wondering if the same concerns would be as vigorously fought for over "pro-gun" rallies.

[Via bondmen]

Giving Herself Too Much Credit

I’m an African-American historian and, on most issues, decidedly liberal. Could I rethink my anti-gun stance? [More]
That you presume to pass yourself off as a voice worth heeding yet obliviously spout nonsense like "The N.R.A. ... stands in the way of laws to get automatic rifles out of the hands of people who might kill school children" shows there's nothing to rethink since your beliefs have not been based on thinking in the first place.

Not the Whole Story

Despite some of the nation's toughest laws, the number of gun owners in California has more than doubled over the past ten years, according to new data released Friday by the state Department of Justice. [More]
What about the number of gun possessors?

School Shooters

High School Shooting Teams Are Getting Wildly Popular [More]
You mean like in the good old days before "school shootings"?

The Principle Tool

Principled Libertarian Justin Amash Votes in Support of Illegal Immigrant’s Right To Vote [More]
If by "principled libertarian" they mean "domestic enemy"...

[Via Mack H]

Speaking of Irredeemable

Ocasio-Cortez blasts capitalism as an ‘irredeemable’ system [More]
And she knows something about greedy capitalists who don't pay their "fair share."

Besides, what kind of Nazis believe in mutually agreeable choices when there's a coercive Marxist alternative?