Wednesday, March 13, 2019

Let's Hope He's Right

There are two Civil War II scenarios, and the left is poorly positioned to prevail in either one. [More]
Let's hope none ostensibly on "our side" use this as an excuse to do even less.


Victoria's Secret model Bridget Malcolm reveals she was once forced to shoot naked for a high-profile magazine [More]
Really? Did they extort or blackmail you? Did they threaten you with bodily harm?

What would have happened if you'd said -- and stuck -- to "No"?

A Benevolent Despot

Gov. Gavin Newsom to stop death penalty in California, giving reprieves to 737 death row inmates [More]
Because the reason we have legislatures, courts and voter initiatives is so the executive can rule by proclamation.

I'd love to see some of these guys get the chance to personally express their gratitude.

[Via Dave Licht]

Dick's Pulling Out

Dick’s Sporting Goods to Remove Guns From 125 Stores - Retailer says will replace firearms with other sporting gear as it combats sales slump [More]
How soon 'til the "No Confidence" vote on Ed Stack, and then the lawsuits?

[Via Jess]

That's the Way They Want It

Seattle University professor promotes violent resistance, school won’t condemn it [More]
Because they know their policy will ensure all this talk stays theoretical.

Won't it?

[Via Michael G]

Can't Get You Out of My Head

So what happens if your thoughts violate "community standards"?

[Via Michael G]

Maybe Sweeten the Deal

In session's first veto, Northam rejects proposal on out-of-state handgun permits [More]
Tell him they can be used to deliver the coup de grĂ¢ce to botched abortions and see if he changes his mind.

[Via Mack H]

White Out Conditions

An opposite effect is more probable, as white voters are likely to resent these baseless accusations of racism. [More]
We'll see because white "progressives" are self-loathing, even if not consciously aware of it.

As they should be, by the way.

[Via Mack H]

Already Planning the Next Step

What did he think was going to happen? [More]

Caving on ERPOs established the momentum to press on UBCs.

It's what jackals do.

[Via Mack H]

We're the Only Ones Felicitous Enough

Well, she's the big lib who protests for "Only Ones", so f*** her -- she'd have them do it to you:

I wasn't aware permission to possess one could be denied.

[Via Mack H]

Do Your Duty

"It shall be the duty of a person owning or possessing a firearm to cause the firearm to be registered." [More]
Or as Major Pitcairn was reported to have ordered:
"Throw down your arms, ye villains, ye Rebels, Disperse!"
[Via Michael G]

Nice Data, But Get to the Point

Florida is one state that has very detailed data on the races of those who have used Stand Your Ground defenses. Blacks make up 16.7% of Florida's population, but they account for 34% of defendants who invoke the Stand Your Ground defense.  Black defendants who invoke this statute are actually acquitted 4 percentage points more frequently than white defendants who do so. [More]
Yes, but let's get to the real question: Doesn't Sarah Silverman have a bed to wet or something?

[Via Michael G]

Dear Lindsey

WarOnGuns Correspondent RogerJ shares a letter:

[Click to enlarge]

Son of Only One

Texas: Cop’s Son Shoots, Kills Unarmed Man in Broad Daylight, On Video—NO CHARGES [More]
What do you think would have happened had the situation been reversed?

[Via Neil W]

An Idea Whose Time Has Come?

You ever meet people who are so smart they're stupid? [More]

Damned Lax American Gun Laws!

A search led to the discovery of nine rifles, two grenade launchers, three 40 mm grenades, six fragmentation grenades, spare rifle magazines with corresponding ammo, and four ballistic vests. [More]
This calls for a "sting"!

[Via bondmen]

We're the Only Ones Uncontesting Enough

A former Wisconsin probation-parole agent accused of sexually assaulting a girl when she was 10 years old has reached a plea deal in the case against him. [More]
Again with the dating dilemma, and one with limited choices for diversity.

[Via bondmen]

Safeguarding Our Political Treasures

Concrete barriers placed in front of Denver City and County Building amid growing security concerns [More]
No price is too high to protect the ones who don't want you to be able to protect yourself! And they've been circumspect about the "threats" for a reason.

[Via bondmen]

Reset the Clock?

If Barr has to sign it again to shut down arguments over the validity, it has to be republished in the Register again, now that it has finally been “properly” signed. And that resets the countdown clock. [More]
No surprise he'd support it...

We'll see if any of the attorneys follow up on this point.

There's Something About Bob

Menendez Urges Twitter to Take Down Links to 3D Printable Gun Blueprints [More]
He tests more than tolerance for sleaze.

[Via Bear]

A Better Suicide Method

Legislation that raised high-skilled immigration while lowering low-skilled immigration would be worth supporting. [More]

Then you won't mind showing us how these "high-skilled" immigrants will vote at a completely flipped ratio from the way they always have?

National Review: Stumping for stupid for as long as I've been blogging and then some.

[Via Mack H]