Tuesday, July 23, 2019

Firearms Ownership and Domestic Homicide ‘Study’ Promotes Anti-Gun Political Goals

It matters because the gun-grabbers want the public to think the greater danger applies to them as opposed to the criminal population that exhibits significantly higher incidences and rates of domestic violence, substance abuse, criminal activities, suicides, relationships and encounters with dangerous people, and the like. [More]
This is what happens when you pour polluted water into the pool.

Enemies All

Crowded Democrat's Presidential Field Offers No Pro-Gun-Rights Candidates [More]
There is no such thing as a true pro-RKBA Democrat. Even if you could find one running for lower office, he'll still support the party and enable the edicts and the court appointments that will undo his "good" votes. He might vote "our" way because he likes to sport shoot and he won't win office if he comes across as a grabber. The party will let him in order to get and keep that seat.

And when needed, he'll betray us. Name one who hasn't.

What Have You Got to Hide?

U.S. attorney general William Barr has said consumers should accept the risks that encryption backdoors pose to their personal cybersecurity to ensure law enforcement can access encrypted communications. [More]
Besides, if you aren't doing anything wrong...

[Via Michael G]

Bleeder of the Pack

“Detectives have determined that the weapon, which was being carried concealed inside a backpack by that individual, discharged unexpectedly,” police said. [More]
Let me guess -- there was other stuff in there and it wasn't in a case.

[Via Mack H]

Nothing to See Here

Kyoto Anime arson killings didn't get much attention because we couldn't demonize guns [More]
And don't forget because it would threaten a narrative.

[Via Michael G]

If at First You Don't Succeed...

The government is to establish a firearms register and make major changes to the licensing regime, in the second phase of gun law reforms. [More]
Because they see how well Phase One is going.

[Via Roger J]

We're the Only Ones Violating Community Standards Enough

Officer fired for suggesting Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez "needs a round," after reading fake news post [More]
Pretty poor judgment, but what stands out most for me is they fired another cop just for clicking on "like" and the page wasn't even "public" but limited to "friends," meaning someone snitched him out.

[Via Mack H]

Here We Go Again

Unlike New Zealand, in the U.S. gun ownership is a right, not a privilege. [More]
I guess Jacinda won't be signing my petition.

And you'd think Cam Edwards would know better.

[Via Sam Adams 1776]

On Democrat Turf

Family of Murdered Chicago Teen Holds Peace March in His Honor – Suspected Killer Crashes the March, Grins and Flashes a Pistol at Protesters [More]
Tell me this isn't an argument for universal background checks!

[Via Michael G]

I Know You Are, But What Am I?

IRONY: Disgraced Dan Rather Insists That Liars Be Called Out as Liars [More]

[Via Michael G]

On This We Can Agree

Prof: 'When I said MAGA teens are modern day Hitlerjugend, I meant it' [More]
Me too.

[Via Michael G]

Of Course You Realize This Means War

"I’m glad to see the left arming itself. This is war." [More
If you come here because of shared sentiments, he wants you dead.

[Via Jess]

UPDATE: This is what Larry Charles was commenting on.

[Via Mack H]

It's funny: The left has been comparing us to Nazis. Now they're comparing us to Commies.

Told You So

The single biggest threat to Republicans' long-term viability is demographics. [More]
Good thing this has nothing to do with that "single issue."

Right, "saviors"?

[Via Felix B]

Keep Your Eyes on the Prize

No, Kamala, Your Gun Policies Wouldn’t Have Stopped Aurora [More]
Who says that's her goal?

[Via Michael G]

You Can't Stop the Signal

Ghost Guns Are Everywhere in California - Feds say nearly a third of firearms recovered in the state are homemade, unserialized, and untraceable. [More]
The best laid schemes o' mice an' men...

[Via Roger J]

A Government Laboratory

Give them total control over a population and violent death is the norm. [More]

What more proof do we need?

[Via bondmen]

Something Must be Done!

“Something has to be done to stop the violence going on and we have to come together as one.” [More]
Finish that thought.

And not like the Missouri AG's "four indictments" will stem the tide.

[Via bondmen]

Left to Their Own Devices

The click-through graphic for the WhiteHouse petition does not appear on mobile phone displays. All I can suggest is on mine, if I scroll to the bottom it allows me to"View web version."

Lifetime Achievement Award

Assuming the turn-in rate doesn’t continue to drop, it’s only going to take them 38 years to get all those guns. [More]
Can you imagine being Police Minister Stuart Nash?

Once More Unto the Breach, Dear Friends

My Monday follow-up to Sunday's ArmedAmerican Radio broadcast is now archived. [Listen]