Monday, August 12, 2019

Well, We See Who the Unreasonable Ones Are

And some in the pro-Second Amendment camp have been known to mock people calling for new gun laws when they use incorrect terminology in reference to firearms. [More]
How rude, expecting people who want the government to kill you if you don't obey them to know what they're talking about.

[Via Bluesgal]

Warn't Us

Contrary to Ohio Governor Mike DeWine's claim that his new gun control measures have been "crafted by Second Amendment supporters," Ohioans for Concealed Carry has not helped design, and does not support, Gov. DeWine's proposal.  [More]
OK, so who did and what did they tell him?

A Perfect Opportunity

‘Moms against Guns’ lead agitator, Shannon Watts, is coming to town to dictate the joys of gun control to North Carolina’s citizens, and our own WBTV is giving her the platform to do it… GRNC is requesting that its supporters attend the event as audience members. [More]
Someone ask her about flacking for Roundup.

Like a Dog Returning to Its Vomit

“I’m in Australia, they don’t have problems like this. This is starting to be a uniquely American situation. I am a gun owner and strong Second Amendment person,” Pirro said. [More]
I noticed.

Rights at a Premium

San Jose mayor proposes 1st-in-nation insurance requirement for gun owners [More]
And then all you need to do is pressure insurance companies to not offer such coverage.

Still, this looks like it could be another Mr. Benny moment.

[Via Bluesgal]

Gunkapos Wanted. Inquire Within

More so than anti-gun advocates, we need gun owners to speak up about how to stop this contagion. To advocate for the policies and positions we agree on.  [More]
You know, Fudds 'n frauds to help create an illusion of credibility for when we lie.

Where's AHSA when you need 'em?

[Via Michael G]

And This Differs from a Poll Tax How?

Elizabeth Warren plans include using tax code to deprive law-abiding citizens of 2nd Amendment rights [More]
Mostly poor Democrat constituents though, so let me ask Mr. Benny...

[Via Michael G]

Meanwhile, Across the Pond in Piers Morgan Paradise

UK: Going Easy on ISIS Terrorists, Hard on Those Who Fought Them? [More]
Just don't make fun of anybody's hair and it'll all be fine.

[Via Michael G]

Sounds Like an Oxymoron to Me

Another Honest Liberal Pours Cold Water on Gun Control [More]
Yeah? Who they votin' for?

[Via Michael G]

All Part of the Grand Design

Trump has always come through in the end... [More]
Like he did with "bump stocks"?

I'm not all that confident in a "Don't worry, he's really lying" strategy anyway. That's not how the Founders sold the Second Amendment. Does anybody hear any Republican politicians using their bully pulpits to elaborate on why it was included in the Bill of Rights, and what we stand to lose if its recognition is eviscerated?

I pray the apologists are right, that the guy is mostly making noise for political reasons.

That doesn't mean we shouldn't too, and loud enough for the president to hear on the chance he's testing how far he can go.

[Via Mack H]

We're the Only Ones Botching Enough

Illinois Cop Shot Unarmed Black 12-Year-old in Bed During Botched Raid [More]
Says the Daily Beast, a leading proponent of cops being the "Only Ones" with guns.

[Via Jess]

We're the Only Ones Changing Enough

In a blog entry posted Thursday afternoon, KCPD Chief Rick Smith pointed to the fact that individuals must attend a safety education course and obtain a license to hunt an animal in Missouri. However, anyone 19 years old or older can carry a concealed weapon without a permit. [More]
"Anyone" can. Especially the ones who are "prohibited."

And he thinks more prior restraint infringements against the "law-abiding" will change the way those conditioned to be unfit to live in a civilized society behave?

[Via Steve T

Et tu, Dan?

One of the biggest disappointments has to be Congressman Dan Crenshaw of Texas. Crenshaw, who for many was a shining star amongst conservatives, shocked gun owners when in a tweet after the El Paso shooting stated “Let’s start with the TAPS Act. Maybe also implement state “red flag” laws, or gun violence restraining orders.” [More]
His BS "due process" excuse not only doesn't hold water, but it would also be impossible to restrain states that Congressional action would fund. Add to that once this is passed it will be one less hurdle toward the goal of total "control" to overcome the next time evil visits, and you know it will, and something else will then be up for "reasonable compromise."

It's time to repeat what I said after Sandy Hook:





Or not, right, Molon Labeers?

[Via Jess]


I think the Governor's letter says it all. Thank him and make sure your State Rep votes to sustain the veto. [More]
It's important to let them know when they do the right thing. You can be sure those who disagree are making themselves heard.

[Via Felix B]

More ERPOs than You Can Shake a Stick At summarizes the state of the states. [More]

It's comforting to know they're all now domestic murder-free.

You Catch More Flies with Honey

Except we're not flies, you ignorant-of-who-and-what-you're-dealing-with "moderate." []*

[Via Matthew L]

* Fox News still doesn't allow access from Blogger.

Meat of Clay

3D printer gun plans seller pleads guilty to sex with minor [More]
Yeah, I know, he was entrapped.

He shouldn't have been in a position to be.

Time to Start Making Those Plans

The Arizona Citizens Defense League Fourteenth Annual Meeting of members will be held on Saturday, October 12, 2019 at the Tucson University Park Hotel, Tucson, Arizona. [More]
Why doesn't this require a stadium?

The Greater Danger

The Facts Are In, And Doctors Are More Likely To Kill You Than A Gun [More]
I wouldn't be surprised to find a majority of those are pediatricians.

[Via Felix B]

Think Globally

New CPRC Research: Mass Public Shootings are much higher in the rest of the world and increasing much more quickly [More]
That's OK. We'll just use red herring words like "industrialized" or "developed" to take the focus away from "gun laws."

[Via Felix B]

Just to Make Sure Everyone Gets It

Here are seven reasons red flag laws should be opposed, particularly at the federal level. [More]
Beyond "I will not comply"?

[Via William T]

Boy, I'm Glad This Crazy Chick Ain't MY Problem

Radical Feminist Raves: "We Need To Kill All Men" [More]
I'd listen to someone who is this respected.

Funny: Her YouTube videos are still up. Ditto what appears to be her Twitter feed.

Maybe all those people complaining about social media censorship are making it up.

[Via bondmen]

Style Over Substance

Mapping Which States Allow Military-Style Weapons [More]
And how many are in the states that don't "allow" them?

[Via bondmen]


Trump just beat Democrats on guns ... Whatever deal is made will have the NRA's approval. [More]
See? I knew this was 3D chess and everybody getting upset was just too dumb to grok the genius moves!

It's a good thing this guy's prediction about amnesty being dead came true, too!

[Via bondmen]

Out in the West Texas Town of El Paso

Mexicans Are Safer In El Paso Than In Mexico [More]
I turned in this same topic to AmmoLand over the weekend and expect it to go out with tonight's release.

[Via bondmen]

Where There's a Will There's a Way

Getting such items out of the jail, the sheriff's office says, makes it a safer place for everyone. [More]
Since they work so well on "the outside," why not hold a "buyback"?

[Via bondmen]

We're the Only Ones Pumped Enough

Report: St. Louis police officer under investigation for gas station assault [More]
Tell me releasing the video, now evidence, is the store's decision.

[Via bondmen]

Lolita Express to Hell

Epstein’s abrupt death Saturday cut short a criminal prosecution that could have pulled back the curtain on the inner workings of a high-flying financier with connections to celebrities and presidents, though prosecutors have vowed to continue investigating. [More]
Who thinks anyone but future historians will ever uncover what really happened?

My guess would be those who moved forward had secured enough "In the event of my death" evidence to make shutting down testimony the least risky option. That means whoever has the files also has the short hairs.

It does make it fair to ask if total government control in a "secured" environment is not enough to protect one life, what makes anyone think "gun control" will work for all of us in an unsecured one?

[Via Dave Licht]

That Dog Won't Hunt

‘The Hunt’ Theatrical Release Pulled By Universal Following Mass Shootings & Donald Trump Slam Against Hollywood [More]
Looks like they even pulled the trailer.

So straight to DVD or Barack Obama's Netflix patrons...? You know they'll do something to minimize that $15M loss.

Race-Based Politics

U.S. Olympic Fencer Kneels in National Anthem Protest During Pan-Am Games Medal Ceremony [More]
Some third-rater is looking for a Nike contract.

Unless he's dumped, let them get all their funding from those who agree.

Streisand Effect Writ Large

I'd like to believe that someone over at GP recognizes insanity and posted this "warning" as an act of creative defiance.

UPDATE: They evidently received a flood of ridicule so the FB post is no longer there. Here's what they were warning against.

A Little Matter of Compliance

New Zealand Confiscation Update [More]
So it'll take more than a posturing Marxist in a hijab?

For those who have complied, it seems the sheep aren't the only livestock that had their nuts bitten off.

The Biggest 'But'

I am the biggest Second Amendment person there is, but... [More]
So big he's YUGE!

Fletcher seems skeptical.

Important Statement from NRA CEO & Executive Vice President Wayne LaPierre

“I’m not inclined to discuss private conversations with President Trump or other key leaders on this issue,” says Wayne LaPierre, CEO and EVP of the National Rifle Association. [More]
You damn well owe the members an exact account of what you told him. The only thing these weasel-words lack is the perennial "rest assured."

And the qualifier for "infringed" is now "unfairly"? Talk about equivocating.

It allows for betrayals like this.

And I repeat: What's with "CEO"?