Friday, August 16, 2019

Clueless Gunkapo of the Month Award

Racine County's Shooters Sports Center Manager Mike Arts said he didn't see a problem with the new bill. "I think it's great. I think most responsible shop owners, I'm not speaking for them, but I would think most of them would think it's a very good idea," he said. [More]
Nice rope you're selling there, Mike.

Are you really that dumb?

Or are you just trying to appear "reasonable" so the antis will get off your back?

[Via Mike F]

Still Got Them Hickenlooper Blues

John Hickenlooper Announces He's Dropping Out Of Presidential Race [More]
Maybe a little music will cheer him up:

We're the Fauxnly Ones Legit Enough

Dem State Rep Trying to Obtain Cocaine Impersonates, Threatens Cops - ‘I’m a legit officer doing a drug bust,’ Forestal told a couple, asking where to get drugs [More]
I like that he pulled family Democrat political connections and said he'd have their badges: 

Do you know who I am???

Naturally, the punk has turned his Twitter and Facebook accounts off. And naturally, he doesn't think you're trustworthy enough to be armed.

As always, be aware of the Fauxnly Ones archive in case you ever need to prove that there are reasons to have doubts about whether someone accosting you is a real cop.

[Via Mack H]

You Don't Have to Justify It

I’m A Professor, And I Carry A Gun On Campus. Here’s Why [More]
Good for you but it's really none of our business.

[Via Michael G]

We're the Only Ones Whistle-Stopping Enough

"From what I’ve understood from other attorneys, they are trying to establish that I’ve got some sort of mental problem in order to make their case easier. This is a large way in which they intimidate their employees that go rogue on the company," he explained. San Francisco police confirmed to Project Veritas that they did receive a "mental health call" and went to Vorhies' address. [More]
Well if that doesn't call for a Red Flag I don't know what does.

[Via Michael G]

I Beg to Differ

I'd say that's the wrong way of looking at it.

Now if you want a law that'll work...

[Via Mack H]

What Price Freedom?

“I see more clearly than I ever have — that not only do we need universal background checks; not only do we need red flag laws, that would stop somebody when they pose a danger to themselves or someone else; not only do we need to end the sale of assault weapons and weapons of war, that were designed for the battlefield and have no place in our communities,” he said. “We must as a country buy those weapons, take them off the streets altogether.”[More]
Mine's not for sale.

Or it wouldn't be if I had one.

[Via Mack H]

A Crazy Idea

President Trump said Thursday in response to mass shootings that the U.S. needs to build more mental institutions to keep sick, dangerous people off the streets and away from access to guns. [More]
As long as it doesn't involve"due process second," yeah.

[Via Mack H]

So It Can't Be About Crime Control...

Lindsey Graham, Richard Blumenthal, Dianne Feinstein, Chuck Schumer, Dick Durbin, Kamala Harris, and the whole cast of characters pushing to strip gun rights without due process voted to release gun felons who were convicted after painstaking due process. [More]
Is it really cognitive dissonance if it's intentional?

[Via Mack H]

We're the Only Ones Above the Law Enough

Governor Wolf will be joined by Charles Ramsey, Chair of the Pennsylvania Commission on Crime and Delinquency, who will use his expertise in a new role advising the executive branch on implementing these changes. [More]
The same Charles Ramsey who the state wouldn't investigate for misdemeanor and felony violations of Pennsylvania's Uniform Firearms Act because he openly carried a firearm yet had not been certified?

[Via bondmen]

No Hypocrisy There

Ilhan Omar Claims “Every Day” 500 People Die from Guns Yet She Hangs Out with CAIR Gun-Toting Radical!?! [More]
How is that not consistent with everything she stands for? You're the one she doesn't want armed. Hasn't she made that clear?

[Via bondmen]

Mark of the B.E.A.S.T.

Over the past four decades, the B.E.A.S.T.  has decimated America’s manufacturing capabilities while funding wars around the globe.  It has dumbed down the nation’s populace, expanded governmental welfare programs, and riled a majority of the citizenry into a perpetually psychotic discontent via the financial acquisition and consolidation of the nation’s media outlets and entertainment venues.  Through a steady barrage of hype and hypnotic electronic programming, the B.E.A.S.T. has persuaded Americans to abandon their vigilance to the founding principles which made America great originally. These principles included the affirmation of rights derived from natural law, honesty, morality, self-reliance, and equality of opportunity; as opposed to modern America’s identity politics, politically correct thought-control, equality of outcomes, fiscal irresponsibility, and unlimited government. [More]
So what do I watch after The Bachelorette season finale?

[Via bondmen]

We're the Only Ones Reenacting Enough

A Los Angeles County sheriff’s detective has been sentenced to prison for raping a 15-year-old girl he met while investigating her report of being sexually assaulted. [More]
Making sure he had all the details right isn't standard police work...?

[Via Neil W]

Courting Danger

Gun-rights activists might tolerate Trump’s very high ratio of talk to action. But they won’t tolerate him switching sides. [More]
It doesn't look good, does it?

Here's Kopel's Senate Judiciary testimony in favor of red flags. It tries to mitigate some of the more egregious abuses, but it still ignores a key reality.

[Via Mack H]

They Might as Well Say 'Tyrannize Something'

The concept of a “red flag” law — which permits the confiscation of lawfully owned weapons from a person because of what the person might do — violates both the presumption of innocence and the due process requirement of proof of criminal behavior before liberty can be infringed. [More]
Why is that so hard for Republicans to understand?

Fighting Back

BREAKING: Second Amendment Lawsuit Challenging California “Assault Weapon” Ban Filed in San Diego Federal Court [More]
I'm glad to see it includes this key point, which I believe future complaints will need to put more emphasis on:
The firearms that the law in question prohibits are, in virtually every state of the Union, exactly the sorts of lawful weapons in common use that law-abiding people possess at home for lawful purposes; and exactly what they would bring to service in militia duty should such cause be necessary.  
After all, we are talking about"the security of a free State."

Only Half the Battle

So how are they going to vote?

About Damn Time

You can read the letter at the link, and also read the Western Journal's article.

Good on NRA. I'm quick to call them on it when I think they do wrong, so they need to hear from us when they do right -- so they do more of it.

I've been calling on Gillibrand for a year-and-a-half to release the questionnaire that she turned in as part of her past "A" grade. This is just as good at showing what a pandering hypocrite she is and how the media helps her get away with lying.

What an ideological whore this ... this thing is.

Trump’s Dig at Chris Cuomo Shows Arbitrary Danger of ‘Red Flag Laws’

Undeniable betrayal is what will finally be the last straw for perhaps a critical mass of disillusioned gun-owning voters. It certainly takes the fire out of their bellies to do all the things necessary to “win” an election, particularly when it looks to be close, and 2020 is Donald Trump’s and an increasingly unprincipled GOP’s to blow. [More]
How about if politicians sold to us as "staunch supporters of the Second Amendment" start acting like it by leading in educating the public on what the right to keep and bear arms is about, why it is of paramount importance and always relevant, and how those who want to swindle that right away from them are lying?