Friday, September 27, 2019

Justice (Forney) Delayed

Teen charged after accidentally shooting step-brother with stolen gun [More]
See, if you didn't own guns, there wouldn't be any guns to steal. Racist.

At least by firing through the door he was exercising Bidensense gun safety.

Speaking of People Who Need to Be Told to Rifle-UC-Rifle Off...

Americans will be fined by New York City judges if they tell an illegal alien they are an illegal alien, says a speech code issued by city’s department of civic regulation. [More]
Nobody thought they'd be satisfied with just the guns, I trust...

[Via Mack H]

We're the Only Ones Rifle-UC-Rifled Up Enough

Which department is this from? [More]

They deserve to be mercilessly hounded on their social media pages.

[Via Michael G]

Ничего Бургер

The National Rifle Association acted as a "foreign asset" for Russia in the period leading up to the 2016 election, according to a new investigation unveiled Friday by Sen. Ron Wyden, D-Ore. [More]
I'm just wondering if ad hominem argument is always a logical fallacy...

[Via CDT]

We're the Fauxnly Ones Oriented Enough

Police in California are investigating at least two cases of people posing as Chinese police driving cars with markings of the Communist Party of China's People's Armed Police (PAP). [More]
Since the laws are becoming so similar, it's probably just a pilot program for outsourcing

[Via Mack H]

You Had Me at 'Obey or Die'

Top 10 Take-Aways From Yesterday’s House Hearing On ‘Assault Weapons’ [More]

Their move.

[Via Mack H]

This Is My Shocked Face

California Shocked To Find Bill Decriminalizing Retail Theft Resulted In… More Retail Theft [More]
It's been a while since we heard from Tommy Lee...

[Via Michael G]

Whose Point Is He Making?

Yesterday, people brought assault weapons to our rally at Kent State—where 4 students were shot dead in 1970. [More]
By a government monopoly of violence...

[Via Mack H]

The Enemy Within

Exposing Conservative Inc. As Controlled Opposition [More]
Her again. And again.

It's also important to note which "Republican" politicians employ such "strategists."

Do you think she realizes that once her usefulness is over they don't let you take a nail file along in the tumbrel ride?

[Via Mack H]

Twelve O'Clock High

Coke, meth and an AK-47: Feds accuse Nellis master sergeant of trafficking guns, drugs [More]
A Slim Pickens line comes to mind...

[Via Chris Knox]

Meanwhile, Across the Pond in Piers Morgan Paradise

Jeremy Corbyn will scrap controls on immigration and hand foreign nationals the right to vote in future elections and referendums if Labour wins power. [More]
Time was, the Tower of London was more than a tourist attraction.

And still "No."

[Via Steve T

Meanwhile, Across the Pond in Piers Morgan Paradise...

Leading UK cutlery manufacturer Rayware which produces the Viners range has developed knives with rounded ends which makes it impossible for an attacker to stab someone. [More]
Wanna bet? And what's this "first"?

Put a fork in them, they're over.

I vote "No."

[Via Steve T

Performing Commie Union

Pope Francis: Catholics ... Need 'Profound Conversion' on Social Justice [More]
Seems to me somebody's forgetting "My kingdom is not of this world."

Actually, "forgetting" is probably not the right word.

[Via Michael G]

We're the Only Ones Reasonable Enough

Texas Ranger says Amber Guyger was reasonable to feel threatened [and] the investigation leads him to believe authorities had no probable cause to arrest Amber Guyger for any crime. [Watch]
Just in case a distracted "Only One" sexting about how horny she is walks into your home and blows you and yours away...

[Via bondmen]

If Wishes were Fishes

Collins: 'Let's hope rational heads prevail' on gun control [More]
Surely he doesn't think that's what this is about...?

[Via bondmen]

The Answer to Our Prayers

While authorities piece together these investigations, Congressman Lacy Clay believes he has the answers with his Gun Control Bill.  [More]
Really? So he's come up with disarmament edicts his criminal constituents will finally obey?

[Via bondmen]

A Leading Gun Control Advocacy Group

“We see those as fighting words, not a final declaration,” Shira Goodman, executive director of Ceasefire PA, one of the state’s leading gun control advocacy groups... [More]
Figures she'd be obnoxious and combative.

Anybody know if they ever publicly disengaged from this racist embarrassment?

Survey SAYS...

U.S. Census Finds 22.1 Million ‘Not a U.S. Citizen’ in Survey [More]
What about the ones the survey didn't find?

And every one of their children "birthright citizens."

Get Serious

It's time for the government to get serious on gun control [More]
You'd have to be either evil or ignorant to take the arguments presented by this presumptuous incompetent seriously.

What the hell does "Another part is people who are zealots for their cause and think killing those who disagree should be murdered" even mean? And why would anyone want to buy that blurry, over-lit photo of his unimpressive mug?

As for Miller, you'd think a lawyer would be able to read the case. The government's argument was not that Miller was a felon and the opinion issued held that the short-barrel shotgun was not exempted from registration and tax stamp requirements because the court hadn't seen evidence "that this weapon is any part of the ordinary military equipment, or that its use could contribute to the common defense."

The rest of this screed is equally vapid, devolving into outright lies. Read it yourself and you'll see what I'm talking about.

Figures this is birdcage liner is part of the USA Today network, a Gannett Publication...

You want to see serious? Keep pressing.

[Via Michael G]

The Wrong Measure

Guns are valued for self-defense primarily because of their ability to dispense lethal force, which means that resistance—not prevention—is primary. Prevention is an added benefit, but it is secondary. [More]
They are last resort failsafe devices, both on an individual and a societal scale.

[Via Jamie E]

‘Joker’ Flap Shows Clown World Absurdity of Gun-Grabber Studio Demands

Because it’s a cinch if their worst nightmare comes true, and all this wholly-manufactured publicity inspires a madman to see “Joker” as his ticket to immortal notoriety, it’s sure not going to be an anti-gunner who stops the freak. [More]
Will you see it? Unarmed?