Monday, October 14, 2019

In Fourteen-Hundred and Ninety-Two...

Is life better because of his accomplishments? I guess that depends on whether or not you are a "progressive" ingrate or not.

Figures the Google Doodle for today commemorates Teacher's Day in Poland.

It's a cinch our "educators" won't share this with their victi...uh, "students."

[Via James Simpson]

The Rights-Hangin' Judge

Last week, Senior U.S. District Judge Glen E. Conrad ruled that the plaintiffs’ Second Amendment rights weren’t violated by a 1968 law that makes it illegal for anyone under the age of 21 to purchase a handgun. [More]
Oh, look, a George W. Bush appointee.

Vote freedom first!

[Via Mack H]

Divine Rights

As near as my ears can hear:
"He’s got some responsibility, but not all. Right and wrong is wrong,
That was wrong for that clerk to shoot my brother in the chest, yes, he's robbin' [unintelligible], oh well, call police, that's not s'posed to, they're not s'posed to take matters into their own hands. If that's the case, I [unintelligible] take matters into my own hands..."
Ah, that sense of entitlement.

And if the police had shot him, she'd be calling for what, exactly?

[Via Michael G]

Were the "Only Ones' Making an Offer You Can't Refuse Enough

NYPD officer menaced Queens karaoke waitress with gun, threatened to shoot her if she didn’t hang out with him [More]
And his sergeant wasn't charged as an accomplice because...?

[Via Roger J]

Triggering Joanna

"I almost lost control of the car"... [More]
Sounds likes someone needs to be red-flagged.

[Via Dave Licht]

It's Not Like It's Happening in America or Anything...

California enacts most radical gun seizure, gun control law yet — even the ACLU is speaking out [More]
I'm losing my capacity to give a f***. I can't help but feel that ultimately, they're gonna learn the hard way.

[Via Geordan]

Seems Right to Me

In essence, Cheeseman’s new argument means if Cheeseman qualifies for a 2C:58-3 Firearms ID Card, then Cheeseman qualifies for a 2C:58-4 Permit to Carry a Hand Gun. [More]
And if he doesn't qualify, what's he doing out of custodial care?

'If You See Something Say Something'

Nichols said the waitress made a complaint to Tisbury Police about what she overheard and on the strength of that, Saloio and another officer relieved Nichols of his crossing guard duties while he was in the midst of performing them and subsequently drove to his home and took away his firearms license and guns.  [More]
The fear/snitch conditioning is damn near complete, although the waitress is lucky she didn't pull that on the wrong demographic.

[Via Stephen I]

Painted into a Corner

ATF Drops Lower Receiver Case For Fear Of Doing Damage To Other ATF Regulations [More]
I'm looking into an AmmoLand piece springboarding off this. Gimme a couple days.

If It Bleeds It Leads

How the American Media Perpetuates and Profits from Mass Shootings [More]
With all the hysteria they tried to generate over Joker, I'd say they encourage more.

We're the Only Ones Dispatching Enough

A black woman was shot and killed by a white police officer in her Fort Worth, Texas home after a neighbor called dispatchers to report the woman’s front door was open, police said. [More]
Are police background checks "commonsense" enough for ya, Betsy?

[Via bondmen]

Nous Sommes les Seuls Assez Radicaux

Two Muslim Paris police officers have had their weapons taken away from them, with one suspended from duty, after allegations that the pair may have been radicalised. [More]
Good call. We know how effective trusting French gun laws in such situations has proven to be.

[Via bondmen]

We're the Only Ones Stifling Enough

Back in July of 2017, the Carroll Times Herald published an article about police officer Jacob Smith and his relationships with teenage girls. Smith, who is no longer on the police department, filed a libel lawsuit. [More]
When "Only Ones" and "Authorized Journalists" collide...

[Via bondmen]


Many of the kids that unfortunately were violently killed were teenagers engaging in criminal behaviors themselves. And so out of the 13, about eight were engaged in criminal behaviors that resulted in their deaths.  [More]
Just think how much more furious they'd be if he'd given appropriate "credit" to their familial enablers and the "progressive" system that made them inevitable.

[Via bondmen]

Are You a Good Deep State or a Bad Deep State?

So this is the new brainwash: “The Deep State is necessary as a check and balance on power.” [More]
Pay no attention to the men behind the curtain.

[Via Michael G]

Release the Kraken!

Close Rikers Became Abolish Prisons [More]
While we're at it, open all the zoo cages.

And turn in those guns, nazis.

[Via Michael G]

S-Laughter in Syria

I'm surprised Knob Creek security didn't make the Turks unload and zip tie their guns. [More]

[Via Len Savage]

Resident Evil

But, according to SAF, the state essentially bans nonresidents from its program. And without a review by the Supreme Court, "virtually all Americans will be deprived of their full Second Amendment rights while in the state of Illinois, based on nothing more than their state of residence." [More]
What the Bill of Locality-Sanctioned Privileges have to say about this?

I'm Not a Climate Scientist But I Play One on TV

Wearing white laboratory coats to symbolize their research credentials... [More]
So the "qualifications" are symbolic. Just like gunquacks are presumed competent with theirs, or "Only Ones" with their magic uniforms and badges...

Curious how their spokesflack has no credentials in the field she's representing. Although I do see some acting credits.

Well who'da thunk: They're fronting for the environmentalcases.

Broken Clock Gets Time Right

In one tweet, crazy-@$$ Rose McGown just did more damage to Hillary's political ambitions than the entire Republican party has been able to in decades, and doesn't that say something about the "system." [More]

I'd be looking over my shoulder if I were her.


Readers Beware: AI Has Learned to Create Fake News Stories [More]
Who thought creator bias wouldn't be built into the code?

A New Pillar of Islam?

“Do you think religious institutions like colleges, churches, charities — should they lose their tax-exempt status if they oppose same-sex marriage?”
“Yes,” O’Rourke said without hesitation, drawing applause from the Los Angeles audience. [More]
They've all cleared that with the mosques, right?

About That 'Trump' Video

All I'm seeing is PSH indignation--anybody know where I can see the actual video instead of politically-motivated "outrage"?

I don't know who thought this would be a good idea, but I don't know how anyone can reasonably blame those who had nothing to do with it, or those who were at the event and had it sprung on them by surprise. Of course, "reasonably" has nothing to do with it and it's being spun as representative of the president and those who support his agenda. He and we are to blame.

UPDATE: Link courtesy of Greg in "Comments."  Yeah, absolutely stupid judgment to not foresee the blowback, but then again, I'm wondering why the fantasizing "progressives" who made the original get a pass.