Wednesday, October 16, 2019

ATF 80% Lower Receiver Dilemma Recalls Stalin-Era Axiom on ‘Crime’

“Show me the man and I'll find you the crime.” [More]
So much for "secur[ing] the Blessings of Liberty"...

The Man Who Would Be King

“Bloomberg is in if Biden is out,” says one source. [More]
So being Squire isn't enough? The ego knows no bounds, nor does he have a clue as to how unlikeable he comes across, not to mention how hypocritical.

Regardless, he'll be a useful club to pick up and swing by the feet in the bar fight against Warren.

Not Good Enough

The felony charges against York relate in part to Connor's gun-storage locker located in her basement. It was easily breached by Clegg, nearly allowing the massacre to occur. [More]
What would they have done if the kid had broken in and taken a can of gasoline from the locked garage, threatened the school and set fire to himself?

And what law is that again...? Where else is "Republican" Merritt ready to sell gun owners out?

[Via Michael G]

Only Following Orders

Kamala Harris’s Offices Fought Payments to Wrongly Convicted [More]
What's the excuse apologists give us when a Republican AG pulls out all the stops to defend a disarmament edict? He's doing his job by representing his "client"...?

Nobody actually believes that "secur[ing] the Blessings of Liberty" folderol applies to these legal Dobermans, do they?

[Via Michael G]

Lord Baltimore

Johnson, who has been charged with attempted murder, assault, and various handgun-related charges, apparently blocked a line of cars behind him on Saturday when he failed to budge after the light changed. [More]
Well, they shouldn't have beeped at someone who's entitled.

If that isn't cause for someone already breaking Maryland gun laws to shoot a two-year-old, I don't know what is.

[Via Michael G]

Raising the Barr

“This is not decay,” Barr intoned darkly at Notre Dame. “This is organized destruction. Secularists and their allies have marshaled all the forces of mass communication, popular culture, the entertainment industry, and academia in an unremitting assault on religion and traditional values.” [More]
Nice to see he's right for a change.

[Via Mack H]

Lest Ye Be Judged

Three Indiana judges are facing disciplinary charges in connection with an altercation at a Downtown Indianapolis White Castle that began with one judge giving two suspects the middle finger, and ended in two of the judges being shot and seriously injured... [More]
So being judgmentally-impaired is a job requirement?

I remember this from a while back but trying to find what I blogged back then would take time I don't have.

[Via Mack H]

Hoist with Their Own Petard

When Lefty Jewish Anti-Zionists Face Anti-Semitism [More]
I feel the same empathy for them I will for virtue-signaling One Percenters being hauled to the scaffolds in tumbrils. And damn them for dragging me into it.

What do they think commies do when useful idiots are no longer needed?

[Via Mack H]

Can There Be No Peace Between Our Peoples?

Leftists Threaten To “Bring Out The Guillotine” If Theaters Show Jordan Peterson Documentary [More]
This cannot be tolerated in a free society. Those behind it must be identified and separated from it.

[Via Michael G]

File This Under 'WTF is Wrong with People?'

Don't do this: Tourists crowd right next to a bear in the Smokies [More]
Every one of these idiots would have deserved whatever happened to them. My first thought was there's an animal that's been conditioned to lose its fear and is going to end up destroyed after it does what comes naturally.

[Via Michael G]

Your First Line of Defense

After officers freed him, they say he hid the handcuffs from himself so he wouldn't put them on again. He also said this wasn't the first time he handcuffed himself and didn't have the key. [More]
This all presupposes the moron is authorized by corporate to put them on others.

And in case you're wondering why they hire full-retard "security guards" in the first place:
Bath & Body Works’ parent company, L Brands, contributes to YWCA, which is a member of the Coalition to Stop Gun Violence (CSGV). CSGV opposes “Stand Your Ground” laws and opposes concealed carry...Bath & Body Works’ parent company, L Brands, is a corporate sponsor of the National Urban League, which supports a full repeal of “Stand Your Ground” laws...
[Via Steve T

So Much for Their Diversity Being Their Strength

Beto O'Rourke defends plan to confiscate assault-style weapons [More]
But Pete says work on the achievable. And Cory says lie.

[Via Jess]

UPDATE: I sure hope so, not that some of us haven't been warning people all along.

[Via Roger J]

Are There No Limits to the Man's Evil?

Prof ties black female obesity to Trump policies, racism [More]
Alrighty then.

No Wonder All the 'Gun Groups' Ignore This

Record 32 million Hispanics ready to vote, the largest minority in 2020 ... Overall, Hispanics do not support the president. In 2016, he won about one-third of the Hispanic vote, but recent surveys show that dropping to one-fifth as the 2020 election nears. [More]
Good thing this has nothing to do with that "single issue."

Right, Saviors?

That way, they won't have to change anything on the program.

That's OUR Word

Gov. Cuomo uses n-word in radio interview [More]
He'll get a pass. He's a Democrat.

What Did We Think Would Happen?

‘I can’t even look at the atrocities’: U.S. troops say Trump’s Syria withdrawal betrayed an ally [More]
Withdrawal from anywhere before victory is going to result in that. Our "leaders" should have heeded the"entangling alliances" advice of those who knew better.

I would not die trying to unf**k that part of the world. Would you?

Let it be the Turk's problem and the Russian's problem.

I Wondered Why My Thermometer Went Down as Well as Up

Our study shows that climate change is more than 'just' warming... [More]
That ought to shut down anyone questioning why Niels here gets the big bucks.

Karma Runs Over Dogma

Man who slammed President Trump for ‘racist’ immigration policies killed by illegal immigrant [More]
I'd bet money his widow will double down.