Wednesday, January 08, 2020

Curses, Foiled Again!

Without needing to even consider the issue of gun rights, federal courts are recognizing that boycotts enforced by government power can menace free speech and free association. The amusing part is that the public officials themselves are helping to provide the basis for these rulings by tweeting and speechifying about how much damage they intend to do the NRA. [More]

And the unamusing part is it shows what little regard these monsters -- and that's what they are -- have for basic rights, and what we can expect if they ever secure an unchallengeable monopoly of violence.

[Via Michael G]

1 comment:

  1. Also, how much dumber than a box of rocks a coven of progressive politicians has to be to pay a lawyer to go to court to argue that disclosure alone doesn’t punish or chill speech or association, when the very text of the ordinance itself makes it painfully clear that its intent is to punish members of the NRA, by name.


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