Thursday, January 30, 2020

It's Your Own Damn Fault, Anyway

This bill not only forces you to lock up your self defense firearms, it punishes you even if you DO lock up firearms. While it penalizes gun owners if their firearms are stolen, it does nothing to penalize gun thieves. [More]
Well, if you didn't own guns, this wouldn't be a problem, now, would it?


  1. One day you realize there's a problem with your toilet. You don't like the idea of messing about with toilets so you call in a pro. After the plumber leaves and your check is cashed you realize your toilet now has a different problem likely caused by the plumbers shoddy workmanship. He/she won't answer your calls so you call another plumber. After that check is cashed you realize your toilet now has both new problems AND the original one has either come back or was never fixed in the first place.

    At some point in this charade, you decide to buy some tools and learn how to fix a toilet.

    The parallels between this allegorical tale and the criminal justice system should be obvious to anyone with above a room temperature IQ. Unless, of course, they work in the criminal justice system (dare we call it an industry?), are of the liberal persuasion, or both.

    The more disfunction they build into the system, the more people will give up on it completely and try to solve things on their own.

    There's a valid comparison between breath and vigilante justice. Bad breath is much better than no breath at all.

  2. "While it penalizes gun owners if their firearms are stolen, it does nothing to penalize gun thieves."

    Maybe someone's expecting a percentage?


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