Wednesday, January 08, 2020

Quenching the 'Ring of Fire'

The city, represented by Everytown law... [More]

Bloomberg's billions vs. concerns he could buy a thousand times over... Watch them do an end-run around PLCAA and extort a "settlement" they can crow victory over -- and then repeat the "successful" strategy.

Assuming the manufacturer and retailer are "guilty" of nothing more than the inability to read minds and know what is in the hearts of men, the industry needs to rally to their defense -- even if they are the poor relations.

Let's hope the caution against doing that doesn't hold true.

[Via Steve T


  1. Here are several things you can take to the bank:

    1. The shooters are not Eagle Scouts.

    2. They are not from the Sisters of Mercy.

    3. They are not NRA members.

    4. They are on a first name basis with at least one of KC's policemen who have arrested them on more than one occasion.

    5. They likely even have multiple felony convictions.

    6. In fact, following a nationwide pattern, something like 90% of KC's crime is perpetrated by only 10% of its criminals, and the law enforcement community is quite well aware of who that 10% are.

    So, just like in Chicago, Baltimore, or Philadelphia, at any time the mayor could call the police chief in and say "Get these dirt bags off my streets or I guarantee your replacement will." And just by doing that, the mayor and police chief could eliminate 90% of the city's crime in very short order.

    Here's another thing you can take to the bank.

    That won't happen.

    Good luck getting any big city Democratic mayor to explain why not.

  2. Peanut Gallery1/08/2020 3:04 PM

    Per the story, supposedly Jimenez mailed guns directly to his home without an FFL. If true, it doesn't seem like Jimenez will survive the lawsuit. If not, then yes, your point is very valid & important.

  3. I smell this going on:

    The criminal in this case is no less than KC’s own Fire Chief. It’s hilarious that Bloomberg is complaining that Jiminez never did a background check on him. Didn’t Kansas City?

    (Either way, the BC would have come up clean, as he had no record, until this.)

    Take a look at what is being alleged here:

    All the reports say that the criminals (the fire chief and a woman who worked for him) filed numerous false documents in order to facilitate the gun purchases, but they are never specific about what those documents were. Did they perhaps counterfeit an FFL (not that hard), or LEO-use documentation that overrides the FFL requirement?

    Just because Bloomberg claims the manufacturer was in on it doesn’t mean a damn thing. Bloomberg lies.


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