Tuesday, January 14, 2020

Tell Us Those Insincere Platitudes We So Long to Hear

Trump could be ‘big beneficiary' in Virginia gun control battle... [More
Why, what's he done? Nothing?

And why do we have to "urge" someone who presents himself as a leader? He should be urging us.

[Via Michael G]

1 comment:

  1. Tonight while driving home from 'the big city' I heard a 'program'
    ( an excellent name for something so chock full of propaganda destined for the unwashed proletariat * -don't you think? )

    Anyway, that "show" called is called "1A" ( which one would think discusses freedom of Speech -eh? ) But the ONLY thing it 'discussed' while I was listening 20 minutes or more, was strategies for 2020 to 'get' Trump, "Bernie", how so many voted '3rd party' last time around because they didn't like Hillary, and what else was done wrong in 2016 by the Democrats.

    Not ONE word about equality or free speech... So much for your tax dollars supporting a National PUBLIC Radio... eh?

    NOT ONE WORD about freedom of SPEECH

    I've written 'the Donald' three (3) TIMES about his 'promise'
    ( -as he stated many times while stumping ) that he would "Shut Down" NPR, that the entrenched commies within it have been, and continue to undermining him, his policies, and his administration... His response? (to me or anyone else) Crickets.

    I do believe 'we the people' are being played boys and girls... played like a gullible fiddle by both sides,..
    -and orchestrated by,..you guessed it; 'the International Bankers' of course.

    During his campaign 'the Donald" promised;

    ~ to "remove ALL MUSLIMS" from the USA
    ~ "put up the border WALL"
    ~ to "arrest and remove ALL Illegal Aliens from America"

    as well as the aforementioned,
    ~ 'shut down NPR' of course.......

    I know, I know,..you can argue all the reasons in the world until the moon turns green -but the fact remains; ---he did not follow through on his promises---

    Methinks, He IS better than ANY of the Democrats...yes, but not by much -just enough to string people along; kind'a keeping 'the ball' in the air, so to speak...

    Oh and for a guy who told anyone who would listen, multiple times -including the entire NRA annual meeting, that 'they need not worry any longer, that "the second Amendment was safe with me"

    ...That was before red flag laws,-before the 'bump stock' ban
    and -before "Take the guns first, worry about due process later". What'll be next , you figure?

    * PROLETARIAT; noun
    the class of wage earners, especially those who earn their living by manual labor or who are dependent for support on daily or casual employment; the working class.
    (in Marxist theory) the class of workers, especially industrial wage earners, who do not possess capital or property and must sell their labor to survive.
    the lowest or poorest class of people, possessing no property, especially in ancient Rome.

    I'm tired, my brain is on overload...
    I just don't know what to do any more... G'nite


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