Monday, January 06, 2020

Welcome to the Party, Pals

UPRISING: Hundreds Of ‘First Time’ Pro-Gun Activists Flood NRA Town Hall In Virginia [More]

Really? Most of these f***ers look older than I am.

I don't know who I'm madder at, gun-grabbers or geriatric"newcomers." And note how Fairfax has positioned itself for disproportionate leadership credit in this.

[Via bondmen]


  1. Why would you be mad at newcomers? Isn't more support good?

  2. You may want to keep in mind that Fairfax (the county) is a prime motivator in the recent oppression of Virginia gun owners, so noncontextualized use of the term from now on may lead to reader confusion.

  3. That presupposes the headline should be taken literally -- that means, based on the age range I see in that photo-- that they would have been shirking and basically, welfare recipients enjoying the benefits of the labor of the handful doing heavy lifting for decades. And that, in turn, explains how the enemy has been allowed to advance so far.

    Search "profiles in apathy" on this site. Yes, I take that personally, because I've seen for decades how much good has been wasted. That's shameful and irreparable.

    That said, I'm starting to suspect "first time" in quotes means the headline was for some sort of effect that isn't made clear. At least I hope that's the case and what we're looking at instead is a roomful of seasoned volunteers who have been shouldering the load.

  4. "Sources told The Daily Wire that up to 400 people attended the event, many of whom were women and first time political activists."

    You would not guess that from the photograph. I see approximately 75 males middle aged and beyond and not a single female in the group.

    There must have been another group of 325 elsewhere.

  5. It reminds me of all the people who wait until obama won to start buying guns. Too bad these people weren't working to stop gun banners from being elected before the election.


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