Tuesday, January 21, 2020

What Difference Does It Make?

Clarification on the estimated turnout for today's rally: the division is closer to approximately 6,000 people on Capitol Square and 16,000 outside the gates. [More]
I'm being told it was more like 50,000, so the difference is significant. The question now is "Why?"

[Via Mack H]


"Official" counts for events like this are always hard. The capital police estimates say 22,000. EM Ed Levine guessed "50,233" :) and another member used the same software the park police used on the mall to count people density from helicopter photos and his software says between 50,000 - 100,000.


  1. It's all designed to discredit VCDL.

  2. Overhead views can be used to literally count heads in a crowd. But in this case, the videos I saw showed a stream of people entering the area and another stream of people leaving. Both streams were passing through the crowd that was standing about. One man said he had to park about 4 miles from the capital grounds and walk in. I don't see any way humanly possible to do more than estimate the number that attended.

    And of course the size estimate will be influenced by the bias of the person/group doing the estimating.


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