Tuesday, February 18, 2020

If You Like Your Death Panelist You Can Keep Your Death Panelist

“If You Show Up with Cancer and You’re 95 – We Should Say We Can’t Do Anything” – Bloomberg Explains How Healthcare will Bankrupt Us Unless We Deny Care to Elderly [More]
What about 94?  84?  I've known people much younger who were wrecks. Mike was pretty much beyond repair at 64. Another good friend burned his heart out at 53.

A local woman died a few years back at 111. She had many vital and active years ahead of her after 95 and was loved by many in the community. My own Mom is 95 and she is still alert and active, often walking up to two miles each day when the weather permits. My Dad passed at 92, and up to age 88 was still golfing his age (as compared to me golfing my weight).

The point being, arbitrary cutoff ages are as meaningless as automatically giving the vote to 16-year-olds on one hand because they'll vote for "gun control," and then denying them the right to own guns because the current "science" says their brains aren't fully developed yet.

I've always been careful (and consistent) to recommend parents provide development-appropriate gun training for their children, as opposed to age-appropriate.

Ecclesiastes 9:12 comes to mind. That this megalomaniacal usurper thinks he not only knows the time but can control it tells us all we need to know about him and the fanatics he attracts.


  1. We are livestock to them

  2. I hope this quotation receives wide publicity. It is a product of a megalomaniac who thinks he is not only the smartest person in the world, but the only smart person in the world. Funny, I used to work for a man like that. His company, Polaroid, was once a household name around the non-communist world. Now it is gone. Only the trademark remains.


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