Wednesday, February 05, 2020

I'm OK, You're OK

OK, boomer:

 Curious, being a minority male apparently in his 20s, that he sides with Bloomberg.

This whole "Okay, boomer" insult is one of the best examples of bigotry I can think of, disparaging the validity of other human beings over circumstances of birth they had no control over.

It'll be your turn in the barrel soon enough, young smart-ass who thinks it's cool to repeat ignorance-confirming memes. Speaking of which, what does it say about the maturity, rationality and integrity of anyone who, rather than examine evidence to determine truth, instead immediately makes and declares snap judgments that can't even be considered ad hominem because he doesn't have a clue about who he's attacking. Lynch mobs have ever been made from such as these.

Same guy?  Can I say "OK, stoner"? If it is, I really don't care about pot except for how the people this dope supports want to use it to take away a birthright.

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