Thursday, February 13, 2020

It's the Ideology, Stupid

I began to notice this pernicious deviation from the Father's concepts a few years after I immigrated to the U.S.  [More]
Good man. As I have tried to make clear:
Of course, there are good immigrants and they don’t all lean Democrat. Hell, there are some great immigrants, people I strive to be worthy of knowing. There just aren't enough of them overall to offset the tide of Third World huddled masses yearning to breathe free stuff. That's because the vote-exploiting Democrats and labor-exploiting Republicans have not made the ability to assimilate to a Bill of Rights culture a priority. They haven't even made it a consideration. And if you tried to make Constitutionally-compatible ideology a precondition to admittance, an activist federal judge would loudly strike it down — even though any government action that does not “secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity” would rightfully and clearly be condemned by the Founders as illegitimate.

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