Thursday, February 13, 2020

Oath Takers, Stay in Your Lane

Police chief should stick to enforcing laws  [More]
Yeah, since when has "I was only following orders" not been the gold standard for official absolution?

It's not like Rebeka Clusterf...uh...Kusterbeck's an apparatchik or anything. I'm sure she and the Democrats she supports are equally outraged by immigration "sanctuary" scofflaws...

[Via Mack H]

1 comment:

  1. I left a comment. I was polite and logical. But I doubt it will change anything. We're dealing with what Col. Jeff Cooper called hoplophobes i.e. people who have a deep seated fear of weapons. As someone who has arachnopobia, I know whereof I speak. You can explain the beneficial role played by spiders in an ecosystem, and when you're done I'll still do my best to squish the next spider I see. As Spock would say, it is not logical, but it is often true. The phobic don't deal in logic. Hoplophobes are no exception.


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