Tuesday, February 25, 2020

Point of Agreement

"I’m not a big fan of everybody having guns. But The Second Amendment gives you the right. I can’t do anything about that.” [More]
  1. No $h!+. 
  2. On this, you and the White House evidently agree.
  3. Well, you can try.
[Via bondmen]


  1. "Bloomberg said, 'The whole issue of getting guns off the streets, I’ve fought the NRA tooth and nail, and I continue to do that, and we have this organization of 6 million people, Every Town it’s called or Mom’s Demand Action around the country to get good laws, background checks, so you don’t sell guns to minors,(1) people with psychiatric problems (2) or people with criminal records (3). They shouldn’t be able to buy a gun. I’m not a big fan of everybody having guns. (4) But The Second Amendment gives you the right. (5) I can’t do anything about that.' "

    1, 2, & 3 are already illegal per the 1968 Gun Control Act (as amended) so Mini Mike may as well send his Demanding Moms home.

    4. Other than the fact that his 50+ billion dollars gives him quite the megaphone to express his opinion, who the actual frack cares what he is or is not a fan of?

    5. No it doesn't. As SCOTUS ruled in US v Cruikshank, the Second doesn't give anyone anything. It forbids the Federal Government, and now per Heller the states as well, from infringing on a pre-existing right.

    As for the issue of "guns on the streets", I've never actually seen one, but if I did I'd probably stop and pick it up or at minimum carefully drive around it. I would imagine driving over one could be bad for your tires.

  2. The Second Amendment doesn't give us any rights, it enumerates one of those rights given to us by God.


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