Wednesday, February 19, 2020

Welcome to the Party, Pals

“The number of, which was astounding to me, the number of customers we have, who are obviously gun enthusiasts, hunters, concealed carry, whatever, that have absolutely no idea what I-1639 was and the impacts that it now has,” Pannkuk said. “We get often (from customers) like, ‘I didn’t have to do this before, what do you mean I have to do this.’ I’m like, ‘Yeah, that passed, it was effective July 1.’”  [More]
F*** every one of them, goddam parasites.

[Via Jeffersonian]


  1. Schadenfreude

    Schadenfreude is the experience of pleasure, joy, or self-satisfaction that comes from learning of or witnessing the troubles, failures, or humiliation of another.

    Years ago I got a chuckle hearing about frantic LA liberals alarmed by the Watts riots, going into gun shops expecting to buy a gun, any gun, and leave with it "right f'ing now" in order to protect themselves, their families, and their property from the rioters.

    The money quote was from one woman who objected that the background checks and waiting periods were supposed to be for those "other people."

    I guess things in happy liberal land don't change much.

  2. It's difficult to have sympathy for people who are not paying attention.

  3. Loved the quotes from a LEO ignoramus who kept referring to semiautomatic rifles as "semiautomatic assault rifles". Even the folks who should know better corrupt the language and terminology about guns. I try to correct these mistakes when I hear them spoken by others, particularly if they are coming across as anti-second amendment.

    It does appear the new law is having the desired effect of suppressing gun sales due to the hassle. So, I guess it has been a success.

  4. No sympathy!!!!

    Some people are gonna have to be sandbags

  5. David, I live one county north of this Sheirff, Rob Snaza.. His brother is the sheriff of MY county. Both are good guys, and have gone on record as refusing to enforce the UBC laws Bloomie foisted a few years back (no more priate sales) and also the new laws (another Blooming Nightmare) with all the restrictions on semi-automatic rifles.

    The wording of that new "law" 1639 deems that my Ruger 10/.22 rifles are "semiautomatic assault weapons". Read the actual text. Its true. And it is precisely THAT language being referred in their conversation.
    You and I and they all know this is 'Newspeak, changing language in an attempt to change reality. Our state government, now all D, has been desparately trying to enact another boatload of gun restrictions, including an outright BAN on "semiautomatic assault rifles".. and proposing a "buyback" (sorry, clowns, but since YOU did not sell me any of my rifles you cannot "buy them back". They ain't for sale anyway. Both Rob and John Snaza are on our side, and are doing their best to fight for our rights. The new law imposes HUGE new purdens on local law wnforecment and they are reeling under the sudden load of stupid paperpushing. The state shoved this burden on them with no funding to hire the extra manpower needed to DO it. They are pushing back as they can. Used to be ALL backgound checks for purchases were run through NICS by the FFL selling. Now thyey are required to run BGC for anyone wanting to buy privately, or even let Charlie borrow Pete's rifle to try it out in the backyard. Sheriffs know this is a joke. But now, ALL "asmiautomatic assuault rifle" and handgun sales even from FFL' must have the local LE run the BGC.. since Lewis County is almost all rural, mabe four "cities" with their own police department, the Sheriffs office now is forced to run all those BGC for every sale.. they hate it.
    So what you are reacting to is not ignorance on the part of the Brothers Snaza in using the new term "semiautomatic assault rifle", but an "in yer face" to the eedjit monkeys in the Marble Zoo up on the hill, which dome I can see from here. Its barely a mile away.


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