Wednesday, March 04, 2020

As I Live and Breathe

Rough night last night-- I picked up something respiratory with a low-grade fever, hopefully not Ohio's first coronavirus case, and I'm going to go take it easy.

I'll try to get to comment approval a few times throughout the day but doubt if I'll be doing any more blog posts, so please don't expect anything on tips.

UPDATE: Yeah, great-granddaddy of all Type A flu bugs.  Was actually semi-out of it last night-- kept waking up fixated and frustrated on an unresolvable legal point which, now, of course, I can't remember for the life of me because it was all in my head. Aside from a racking cough making the ribs and diaphragm sore as hell, I am mud-headed, dizzy and weak as a kitten, so if anybody wants to take a poke at me, now's a pretty good time.

Anyway, just got back from urgent care and the pharmacy and getting ready to go curl up in the easy chair. I'm taking today off and we'll see about tomorrow. I may just say screw it and start a long weekend of rest, recuperation and just plain laziness, milking this for all it's worth and scamming the family to wait on me.


  1. Just in case, standard treatment seems to be lots of Gatorade right now.

  2. Covid testing is virtually non-existent. If you dont test for it, you wont find it. I would bet 1000x more people are infected than is known which is good news because it means the mortality rate is far lower than suspected.

    Heres to your health Mr Codrea!

  3. Hope you feel better soon! Keep us posted.

    All the best from Central Oregon.

  4. Michael Gilson3/05/2020 12:47 PM

    Honey lemonade recipe. Heat four cups water and dissolve one cup honey in it. Cool it down by adding four cups ice water. Add one cup of bottled lemon juice. Tastes good and very soothing to a sore throat.

  5. Had similar a couple of weeks age. three days of misery, followed by another week of coughing and hacking and feeling generally ill. Hope you feel better faster than I did, David.

  6. Rest up and get better! You deserve a long weekend anyway.

  7. As good an excuse as any.
    Now that you've mentioned it: I think i'll call in sick today and tomorrow.

  8. "Anyway, just got back from urgent care and the pharmacy and getting ready to go curl up in the easy chair. I'm taking today off and we'll see about tomorrow. I may just say screw it and start a long weekend of rest, recuperation and just plain laziness, milking this for all it's worth and scamming the family to wait on me."

    I say milk it for all its worth LOL. But don't expect to fool the wife. They KNOW stuff.

  9. Hope you are better and comfortable soon

  10. Get the flu shot, every year. And get the pneumonia shot! I used to get what I thought was bronchitis every year- symptoms like yours. Just enough strength to go to the bathroom, and barely enough to get back to bed. My mom told me about it, and it all went away. I do get flu, but very mild. And no more walking pneumonia/bronchitis!
    Rest a lot, and keep hydrated.

    Best wishes.

  11. Please just call out The Militia David and we will come a runnin', might have to give us a day or so to get there depending.

    Could you work a quick surrender to Bloomy Bloomberg with a handshake and a cheek kiss possibly or attend a Bernie Rally in full sneeze mode should one come close to you? Lol!

  12. Get well soon, David! We need you to spread the truth.

  13. Get well soon my friend.


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