Monday, March 30, 2020

Rhymes with 'Coup'?

Dr. Fauci In New England Journal Of Medicine: Coronavirus Less Severe Than The Flu [More]
So after people's lives, jobs, businesses, and the economy are destroyed, along with the "Republican form of government" the Constitution was supposed to guarantee us, can we expect Emily Litella to come out?

Meanwhile, on the other side of the bipolar information machine:
The coronavirus outbreak could kill 100,000 to 200,000 Americans, the U.S. government’s top infectious-disease expert warned on Sunday...
[Via DvD]


  1. According to

    That's from CDC figures (which anybody can look up, but you have to wade through lots of data to add it all up). 30,000 - 60,000 is a pretty big spread, but I've read elsewhere that is a common range of yearly deaths from flu. So even if "Dr." Fauci's conclusion from other people's figures are off by a factor of 10 and this COLD virus kills off 200,000 people in the U.S., it's STILL not something to wreck the world's economy (not to mention a whole society) over.

    Look up "iatrogenic deaths yearly in us" and read what poorly trained health care workers (INCLUDING "doctors") do to us EVERY year.

    Is there a mask to protect us from THEM?


    P.S. For a few years now, has had a projected figure for the US population in 2025 of about 100 million. That's less than a THIRD of today's population! What do THEY know that they aren't telling us?

  2. I passed around the Deagel web site to a few people, including David Codrea. I understand the web site has a "doom and gloom" attitude. Their weapons and equipment numbers look pretty accurate, so I am just not sure where he got his information, and why he believes it solid enough to possibly trash his reputation. I didn't find and footnotes.


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